PlayNodes ready to kill the bricks

Kheetor, the new kismet is the evolution of the kismet in ue3, it means a team of professional developpers brainstormed on the subject with the feedback from thousands of users world wide over the years to come in 2014 with this version.

You re talking about a million dollar software. How can you think their tool, developped specifically for games since more than 10 years, , could fail at providing users the best exeperience in gameplay building.

I could talk about unity wich is positionned #2 in the list or cry engine #3, you will find basically the same tools.

I just see billion dollar companies game editor choice versus hive system.

Check this out, where are the million views, how many blender users use it ?

Hive has its own philosophy of nodal logic, and features.

Like you said im just cloning kismet. There is no shame on this.

What do you call a (behavior) Node editor ?

I mentioned fsm, and fighter behavior. No behavior trees if this is what you are talking about.

Do you see the second image in my post.

A screen from ue4 Animation blueprint graph > state machine editor.
It is different from the kismet node editor, you can find some screen in this thread, you may not have read all pages, you would have noticed the differences in the 2 edtors.

in unity, fsm animation also :

Unity has no built-in solution for nodal logic, but there are plenty of addons in the asset store :
you can find them in this category “editor extension > visual scripting”

in cry engine also, fsm fo animation blending :

different from flow graph wich is the nodal logic system :

Who said a node editor and a fsm editor were similar ?
i dont understand what you wanted to say.

I don’t mean to argue HIVE is better than the commercial giant alternative which is incompatible with BGE. Just that working up from the HIVE towards a good nodal system rather than towards direct clone is more purposeful than starting to 1:1 copy Kismet from scratch yourself. (which would be borderline illegal especially with the name dropping you are doing)

@Renaud: Sorry, I was referring to this:

I know that you are talking about FSMs and how to describe them. I just want to point out to use the right tool for the right purpose (FSM editor to describe a state machine and an node editor to describe general behavior).

Haha ok, makes sense now.

@Blendx :

Its not that long to code the fsm editor, can be done in a few days or so, but it would take more time to have a custom blender build etc.
You know its just drawing some colored rectangles, with captions, borders, and some lines, with opengl in the end.
Adding some drag and drop, reusing the panel/property system to add some parameters for the state transtions.

I’m a little more of a sceptic of the correlation between money and time, and final products. Often, the requirements of individual teams, smaller projects or engine API limitations may lead to less than optimal decisions being made.

Concerning, Hive, at the moment there is little incentive for users to take a look. Some of the features require a custom built of blender, and some of the scene interaction nodes aren’t yet complete.

Personally speaking this doesn’t concern me, for in developing hive either way, and I think people will recognise it’s value when it’s ready for release

I can’t wait for the hive to be done, however I also wish that there was someone helping you, who was a “Logic super user”.

I think that you are already doing a great thing developing the tool that you don’t need(your pretty damn good at python)
Nodes do streamline development, but you clearly are making them for others and I wish I could give you a cookie.

Because other than in-house titles (for which those systems were initially designed), there are very few games that actually use nodal logic (even partially).

how many ?

There have been in the past problems with kismet not beeing able to do the same things as uscript.
you could use it for simple gameplay elements and then you had to learn coding to do advanced stuff.

In ue4, kismet as evolved dramatically. With the blueprint system similar to unity’s prefabs.
Integrating blend trees, behavior trees, state machines, and nodal logic. they pushed the limits of kismet. There is just a litle difference between what you can do in c++, and what you can do with nodes.

For a developper, you still can code your own stuff the way you want, and this is the best part : interoperability.

Im curious to see how many commercial games will use nodal logic in the near future.

Update on the fight system.

Ive tried the tutorial on adding a new space/editor in blender, but it is outdated some files have been changed.

Ive seen somewhere that there is going to be an api in python to add a custom editor. Then it is better to wait for its completion instead of writing a custom space in c.

I modified the previous drawing to expose the conditions for switching between states.
(error : enemy –> ennemy)

It is possible to manipulate state machines and individual state events with the current node system btw.

Using a few nodes :

[Create state Machine], creates a new statemachine, and returns a reference of itself, to be used somewhere else in the current node graph.
[Add state] add the state to the referenced state machine
[Go to state] switch the referenced state machine to the desired state.
[On enter state ] event called only when the state (referenced by its name) is initialized, this is where you generally launch animations
[On state process] event called each tick of the state, this is where you will check the conditions for transitions to another state.

Ill explore this solution and see if there are some critical problems. Could save a lot of time.

Does someone have a base mesh like this ?

Ive seen some on blendswap a while ago, but couldnt find it again.

Will take a bit of time creating the model and anims :

  • idle
  • walk
  • punch
  • get hit
  • guard
  • block


The link would not let me see the jpg for the model.So i cannot say.

I do not have a mesh model like that but i do have makehuman based derivatives.

np i will build one

Is PlayNodes can be download now (I can’t wait to test it).
PS If it’s could someone share link.


Im building the fighter.

Modeled from reference.
Rigged with rigify.

I will not spend too much time on animation.
Just a minimum quality for this demo.

Idle and Jab.

I forgot to add some jump in the state machine drawing. Ill fix this soon.

Not yet,

It misses a lot of things for the moment.

After this fighting demo, i will post the project files.