Open Source Blender Renderfarm: GSORF ___________

Hey… I am very busy lately.
I’m update my Qt environment to Qt 5.3.2. and finally I can build gsorf :slight_smile:
I created an small .bat file, for making more easily the build process in my win7 x64. I hope that it could be useful for other people.

:: Example of setup for create msvc 2013 project files
:: You can use how a template for create your own setup
echo off

:: set Qt environment
echo Setting up environment for Qt usage…
set PATH=C:\Qt\5.3.2\5.3\msvc2013_64_opengl\bin;%PATH%
echo Done Qt environment…

:: set Visual Studio environment
echo Setting up environment for Visual Studio usage…
call “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat” x86_amd64
echo Done VS Environment…

:: make build folders
mkdir winbuild
cd winbuild

:: create .vcxproj files for MSVC 2013 IDE
:: qmake -makefile -tp vc -spec win32-msvc2013 … runk\

echo Done

:: Create Makefile for fast builds using nmake
qmake -makefile -tp app -spec win32-msvc2013 … runk\

Also I want make some test with Ubuntu 14.04

Hi All!

We did a new update to the source code. And I’ve created a video, so I won’t explain it here more than mentioning that we now have “Busy” Lists and some expert settings for better debugging of your bug reports :wink:

Here is the video (don’t mind the poor quality at the beginning, it gets crisper later):

Oh, I didn’t see your post until now. Thank you. I also need to do some tests with Ubuntu. But there shouldn’t be much difference. I’m having the same time restrictions just as you :wink:

Hope you like it!

Hey… Is great that project is moving :slight_smile: I need a bit of free time, for making some test on Ubuntu 14.04.

downloaded it again from your website. however the server still crashes after rendering 2 frames. if i leave the client open then and try to reopen the server it crashes every time.