One brick at a time...

Some details remain on the wishlist, but from this view I consider the modelling pretty much done. Ground leveling a bit of work to be done on the entrances, but almost there. Feel like a mile stone has been reached…

Beside detail

Updated the entrance - UV’s of tiles I prepped in Gimp are a bit flat. Had meant for them to be digi-drawn but my tablets on the blink. Debated dusting off the brushes and doing it by hand…maybe later. Image has a bit of defocus and eventually will add a bit more activity to distract the eye. For now I guess the scene is set…

Tweaking is a small word - the task less so. Done a fair bit of the materials…a bit

Great job and beautiful detail.

It’s looking great! I really like the red brick on the left of the tan one on the closest block. It looks quite realistic.

Thanks for the feedback PCM & TARDIS Maker. Worked a bit more on details. Next step probably characters & action…hmmm, that might take a while longer. Also would like to look at optimizing for eventually animating …