Offset Edges

This is great!!!Thank you !!!:smiley:

This is a very powerful addon and should definitely be included by default! Fantastic work.

This feature was very missing from Blender! It works very well! I really appreciate your contribution!

Thank you very much Bon Baba, really this add-on fills a serious and inexplicable lacuna in blender.
Very very useful!


Thanky you Bon Baba!
But hey outlinig was the whole time in ZMJ100ā€™s Sire addon :wink:

Wow. I just saw this. Will be very useful. Thanks!

It took ages of waiting for these days ā€¦ Thank you Bob Baba :slight_smile: Awesome

Fantastic , now I cant imagine modelling without this. This should be in trunk, thank you so much.

I were searching this for a so long time!..

One guy asked me a couple of weeks ago, ā€œhey, is there something in blender to offset?ā€
I answered ā€œNope. I were searching for this for years, but now I left all my attemptsā€¦ā€
-clackity, clackity, clackity
ā€œHey, look what rambler foundā€¦ā€


Thank you. Iā€™m grad many people like this addon.

The upload tracker version is very slow and buggy, so please use the github version.
I couldnā€™t figure out how to replace a old file with newer one in the trackerā€¦

You are so fantastic! Thank you for this! Just using dailyā€¦

Recent Blender versions this addon creates one extra face connected to all new vertices.

Great ideaā€¦ :slight_smile:

Version 0.1.14: Updated for blender 2.7. Download from the link below.

v.0.1.14.Wrong face is still lying thereā€¦

Perhaps the face you think wrong would be the original one you had selected before the offset operation.
Edge offset doesnā€™t delete any existing face by design.

Yes, that was it, I remember wrong, thanks for correction.
I hope some day someone (developer team) will take opensource offset library and make real offset (merging vertices). And same thing to Solidify-modifier. In Meshlab, Uniform Mesh Resampling = real solidify.

Wow, Iā€™ve been missing a feature like this! Will make my modeling so much easier, thank you! :smiley:

Thank you, been trying to do this for ages, very, very useful addon.