Ocean simulation and sailboat - the return!

I wouldn’t try to rework the particle effect, the result is not better and I can not restore the previous effect :frowning:
I make a render test this night. I hope it’ll be better…

These are the last render of the ship and ocean while waiting the animation with foam and particles

Wow! I really like the first ship. It looks really good, I think it’s the lighting, but I’m not sure.

Thank you guy ! :slight_smile: the second render is facing the sun, I think this is the reason why.

Hop ! an other render just for pleasure :slight_smile:

Nice! I would like the sail battens and sail corners to be reinforced and not translucent. And telltales are often used as well. And its to slow :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: not. The guy looking up looks real, good pose on him.

Hello ola ! Ill modifies the battrons and sail corners but… what is a telltales (my English is nt good enough)?

Threads on and at the back of the sails, like this http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3252/2737251673_290f433454_b.jpg

Okayyyyy ! I’ve just learn a new word :slight_smile:
Honestly I didn’t want to make these kind of detail because we don’t see it in my animation but now i’m forced to do it because you’ll think I don’t know anything in sailing :slight_smile:

We like the sail to look real, right? :wink:

The ocean looks a bit over sized for the boat, which coupled with the shallow DOF in your last render makes the ship look like a toy… Astounding work other than that. I really like the fact that you placed characters on the ship, makes it so much more real looking.

Hello GiantCow !
first of all thank you for your comments and support.
when you speak about de over size ocean. Do you speak about the animation or the last shots ?

After a lot of work and some trouble with my gas boiler, I’m back !
I’m always working on the particles foam, particularly on the ocean permeability trouble (I lose a lot of particles). After several tests I’ve found the best compromise between time processing and particles loss (1h30 of dynamics baking for 30 000 particles end 300 image).
I’ll make a particle rendering video and I’ll show you result.

The result begin to be interesting :

But I lose too much particles. If anybody have some ideas about this problem…

On an unrelated and not-that-relevant note, I still feel like the boat is a bit too small for those waves…

I found This video of what looks like a freight ship in a storm. It’s obviously much larger than your boat, but if you watch the ocean itself closely, you’ll see that it’s curly waves are smaller, and the large waves are less curlier. So I feel like you should try adding another ocean layer that will have large waves only, and make it control the current one.

I can’t really tell if the boat is over- or under-sized exactly… :smiley: but it’s size is definitely a little bit off, when compared against the waves it’s sitting on. I felt like the first 3 seconds of the Phase 3 vid was perfect, but as you closed in on the boat, the proportions just failed. aka I think the boat is a bit too small, and that first shot looks good because you can barely tell the distance to the boat, and think it would be bigger when the closeup comes.

Just an opinion, so if you feel like I’m wrong, you’re probably right :wink:

Hello ! First of all thank your for giving me your advice. Concerning the adding of a second oceans modifier. I’ve tried but it doesn’t work.
Ill see this problem of waves size as soon as I’ll finish the particles foam. Here’s a new version. I’ve cange the camera track too.

Just beautiful! I really like the first image!

Thank you guy !!! :slight_smile:

Hy Everybody ! Here’s the new version of my animation and boat. I need to work on the ropes but the foam is not so bad.
And happy blender year ti everybodyyyy !

Hehe, nice foam. The boat is gorgeous.