New free textures site: wikitextures

Or just use the ones on this site

Every image is public domain (read, total freedom in use) and they even have some seamless textures ready to go.

Seems like a great site! Thanks for the link. Will check it out it in due course!

Burningwell still there? I contacted the “admin” of the textures section there long ago, since I wanted to add photos myself, it turned out to be a bit complicated and he also told me that he was looking for an alternative anyway, because of traffic issues there. So I started my own site dedicated to public domain textures and he told me I could mirror his pictures also on mine. I did not add all of the pictures, since there were many with not so good quality and not verifiable sources, so I sorted them out. But they are just as a bonus there, I grow my own archive also and if there is people who have good material they want to share, they can contact me and upload them there also. I already anounced it here, but it is still underused, the site is:

That license agreement is completely normal. Worded completely clear, and protects the owner exactly as it should.

It is simple. The main thing these sites are afraid of is that people take the images and in some way use them to go into direct competition or to use them in a way to charge money for the same service. This would include copying or changing them and distributing them in any way imaginable, in any form imaginable - as a service to provide images.

For your own projects you are completely and utterly free to do what you want with the textures. You can change them and manipulate them and make them completely unrecognizable. Just as long as you don’t then offer them as a catalog of textures as such, basically competing with this site or undermining their service - in any way,

Sometimes it helps to understand legalese if you know why the constraints are put there in the first place.

This is also the reason for the daily DL limit. To make it much more difficult to rip the entire site in one go.

I wonder though, how would these people even know if some of the photos out there rip their own.

There’s only so many variations of an average brick wall that you can take a photo of because there’s hundreds of thousands of such walls worldwide, how could you tell if it’s the spot on that specific wall you took a photo of.

Just wondering, I’m not saying this as an endorsement of stealing, but there’s a lot of brick or concrete wall photos out there that more or less look exactly the same.

I know why all these sites have these license agreements, it protects them from people ripping it off and resell it and so on. The big problem that I have with that, that it makes it totally incompatible with free open source, since I am developing a free open source game and I redistribute the textures as a catalog with it. So every time you want to share your work, these licenses make it impossible to do legally, since you always redistribute the textures and so on with your product, sometimes even catalogs of them.
I had to start totally from scratch and build everything my own, because there was almost no freely usable content out there on the internet.

Very nice! :wink:

hello everyone,
I’m the owner of,
please, excuse me if I was not clear on writing the license of use, which probably, as you say, seems to be too restrictive. this to protect from a massive download by some spiteful person to create a parallel collection distributed in different ways (published on sites, torrent download) to be in competition with wikitextures; this is the only thing I’d like to avoid.

On the other hand it is permitted (and I would be pleased if you do it):

  • to modify the textures as you need
  • to use the textures inside videogames and softwares, distributed for free or like commercial product (mention is appreciated :slight_smile: )
  • to use textures in 3d models, and share or sell them (also in this case, mention is appreciated)
  • every use that is not in competition with, and that will not decrease this site’s traffic

The site offer the stuff for free and there is no income (hope in the future a little by banners). I’m well-aware that the collection is limited and textures are not seamless, but unfortunately I’m not able to do this work, because I follow the site only during my free time (with my job and family it is always little or non-existent). Hope in the future to increase the number of textures and to begin to create some of them seamless (you may suggest which category of textures you would like to be added/increased: this would be a great help)

Soon, I will correct the license of use, so you will feel more secure to use the textures
(by the way, the help of someone English native is well accepted :wink: )

thank you very much
Have a good day,
Eros Paramento.

Hey, this is exactly what i was looking for. I was thinking about making an own thread and then found this, thank you!

is there any way to use a html as a texture?

so I could snatch a texture from a website, then ‘pack’ into local blend?

also, none of these have normal maps, so they are almost useless,

Use a html as a texture? That… makes no sense at all.

Also, there are DOZENS of apps out there these days that will do a very nice job of converting an image into a normal map. nDo, CrazyBump, bitmap2material, even free addons for PS and GIMP, even if their results are lacking.

Blueprintrandom :spin:

I think is better. Thousands of high res royalty seamless textures,HDRI and a some stock photos. Definitely worth checking out. Unfortunately not everyone has the time.resources or desire to take their own photos which is why sites like this exist. They are there to help us.
Each image consists of a PACKAGE:

Some sites just ask for acknowledgement of where you acquired the texture, and that you don’t stockpile the textures. Which seems completely reasonable to me?