New Copyright law threatens every artist work.

That’s irrelevant. When it comes to legislation, you will want to talk to a person with a legal background, you don’t want to listen to a bunch of artists speculating wildly. Intentionally or not, the video you posted is nothing but fearmongering.

Yes, tomorrow the debate over this law wil give private corps the rights for your works.

[citation needed]

Copyright is a inherent right, if you create something then is YOUR idea. period… Is that simple and logic as that.

It’s not an inherent right and it is not a human right. Copyright is a limited (in extent and duration) privilege to control the (re)publishing of creative works. It usually ends 50-70 years after your death or first date of publishing.

With this new law you will have to pay private register corps by giving them everything, including metadata as your clients for example… so, if they have your ideas and your clients, why would they need you ?

You have to give them the data so your work is identifiable. You don’t sign over your rights to them.

As for being private: You actually want that, because if the government charged for the service, they would almost certainly overcharge. Private companies will be competing in offering the service at the lowest rate. If you lived in a country where telephone services used to be in government hands, you would understand the benefit of privatization.

Also, for music it is already the case that private organizations handle a lot of the licensing services. When there’s a de-facto monopoly (like the GEMA in Germany), you run into problems.

Another thing is that this new law allows plagiarism. Any work with a bit of desaturation, resize, color change, etc will be consider a new work.
So it will be much easier for them to steal your works.

[citation needed]

Don’t you think that with today’s internet and technology you can just google a work to find the author ?

No, not necessarily. A lot of images are posted anonymously or out of context. Also, what about all the orphaned works that predate the internet?

Yes, I support Creative Commons and Fair Use… but they are just fine with the current law system, we don’t need private regulations.

There aren’t any private regulations, there are private service providers. You already have private healthcare, private education, private insurance, private energy and water, private telephone/internet services… not saying all of these are fantastic, but if you had any prolonged experience with how government agencies work, you’d probably be asking for it to be private yourself.

Worse part is, if this gets aproved tomorrow in USA… sooner or later it will spread like a virus over the rest world.

That’s probably not necessary. In other jurisdictions, the damages paid in settlements are usually far less outrageous than in the US. At least in the EU there already exist mechanisms that limit liabilities regarding orphan works for libraries.

And two bullets down from that it says:

Permit the licensed works to be used only for nonprofit educational or research purposes and without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage;

In other words, yes, private organizations would be assembled to manage the mass licensing of works in an entire category of work. I can absolutely see why that would make people uneasy. But those organizations are also only permitted to license those works to people or organizations using them for nonprofit purposes. So it’s not all a big money-grab from small artists.

Also, even in the part you quoted it was limiting the context of the licensing to cases involving “the creation or operation of a digital collection”.

I don’t see that mentioned in the recommendation. Can you point it out? As far as I can tell, the CMOs would only have the power to license works for nonprofit purposes. They wouldn’t have the power or authorization to sue on artists’ behalf. But I could have missed something.

I think you might be confusing this with a law that was pushed for several years ago by the RIAA (IIRC) relating to radio stations playing music.

Lmao, i can’t believe you folks believe this. Its obviously a scam of some sort. Probably started as one of those junk emails going around. Theres no way the U.S. government would do this.

Unfortunately, this misinformation seems to actually be coming from real people (e.g. the guys in the youtube video) who either actually believe this is what’s happening or are intentionally spreading misinformation because they don’t want anything like what’s actually being proposed to become law.

Whatever the case is now, US already has lawyer-friendly laws about patents and especially software patents which should be driving everyone crazy. It’s only for getting money from half-ass “patents”. When I hear news about that stuff I wish everyone would shoot all their A-bombs to USA to turn it into empty flat space.

And this video part way explains a conversation I had last night with a couple kids doing unity, Although how they got from that vid to utorrent downloading is now legal still needs some fleshing out. ( Needless to say I now have an abundance of free time once more )

Such assumptions made by U.S citizens led to some really crazy laws being passed right under our noses.

Did you know that the U.S government passed a bill that allows them to assassinate it’s own citizens on a whim? They no longer need to establish in a court if they were a terrorist threat, they call also hold people indefinitely without a trial.

Real laws, look-up the “Patriot Act”, and now the “American Freedom Act”
Don’t forget “Project Prism” but that’s a different can of worms.

My point is that it’s extremely foolish to write off possibilities just because they don’t suit your cognitive bias.

All that said, I’m not jumping on any bandwagons yet, not until I learn more, a sift through the all the different B.S first, so I have no opinion on the topic at hand.