Networking Add On V2.5 - Development

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    from setuptools import setup
ImportError: No module named setuptools

Result of first step. Tryed both - .zip and .tar.gz and they’re the same result…

EDIT: Did the second method oyu show in video and currently get the same results…

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/Blender/2.75/scripts/modules/", line 324, in enable
mod = <b>import</b>(module_name)
File "/home/user/.config/blender/2.75/scripts/addons/bge_network_addon/<b>init</b>.py", line 44, in 
from game_system.configobj import ConfigObj
ImportError: No module named 'game_system.configobj'

So finally I get this when trying to enable addon. Need a fix out here.

did you put the python files in that directory?


That’s not the deal. I installed through “Install from file” and it done everything itself. I think problem is more in PyAuthServer…

Something didn’t install correctly. Did you unpack the contents​ of pyauthserver to site packages, or the folder itself?

Did you unpack the contents of PyAuthServer, or the folder itself, to site-packages?

The contents - 3 folders you shown to copy in the video.

Please verify the filepath of the folder you copied it into & the version of Blender you’re testing this in.


P.S. manual install of blender, blender datafiles are in /opt/Blender folder.

Can someone make a tutorial video on how to download and install this add-on?
I’m lost in the process somewhere and it’d be greatly appreciated.
Please and thank you.

i have successfully install the addon at Blender 2.75 but, i don’t have the menu in the World tab. Its in the scene tab and also the drop down menu for choosing the Server or Client and the IP address isn’t there

That’s correct. If you watch the video series, I mention early on that the add-on will change as things progress, and in a later video I explain why that area was reworked. The server address should be something the game can choose, in order to support matchmaking.

ok i get it. But when I can change the server address in game, where can i do it, with which command in

oh see imagination_ray has the same problem, sorry

Can’t download the source code(zip), it’s the exact same as downloading the main and lacks the necessary files

Scalia, it’s hard to work out what you’re doing, in order to debug the problems you’re having.
Have you read the installation guide?

If so, where did it diverge and fail?

I feel like, super incompetent here, but when I open the file and “try to navigate to the ‘bge_game_system’ directory”, my copy of the document looks nothing like the one in your instructions.


On the left you have PyAuthServer, the networking system that the addon uses. On the right, you have the addon itself.

I bet you’ve missed the sentence "Then, follow the link to the “network dependancy”. Sorry about that, it’s just a layout issue.

If you go from the addon release version to the network dependancy you’ll find the correct network code for the addon version!

TL;DR - Re-read the install guide very carefully and see where you diverge :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to PM me if things still don’t go to plan.

Good luck,

Thanks so much, everything worked great!

i just put this on my Ubuntu. It worked, but the path that i had to copy those files to (i don’t have python externally) looked a tad different. heres a screenshot of what the correct path is on linux. (agoose77, you may want to put this in your instructions)

Did the networking code function correctly?