Natron: open-source cross-platform compositing software

Trying the new RC, I still can’t get it to play back a file correctly either. Import doesn’t fail like it used to in the previous version, but it doesn’t render anything, just a black screen…

edit: some video files work after all, but it’s kind of hit or miss.

Nice job!
Can I share your link on my website?

Turns out they have a Linux version, too. For those of us who take this stuff seriously, I mean! I’ll take it out for a spin tonight.

Obviously, no. Why would they want you to spread the word and let more people know about their project? :smiley:

You’re right… :wink:

I can’t find a way to browse smb network shares (/Volumes) under OSX? Seems a long way from usable software to me.

This is looking very promising. It’s cool that I can just watch a few nuke tutorials to get started. Anyone have any suggestions?

Just a heads up, RC3 has been released.

In this release we did a few changes to the way the user interface respond to keyboard focus and overall it should now require a lot less mouse motions in order to apply an action. Most of timeline shortcuts are now global to the application and you don’t need to have your mouse hovered on the viewer to control it with your keyboard. We also added Wacom support to the zoom on the viewer.
As usual, we added a bunch of new nodes, but what’s worth mentioning is that we added the OCIOLookTransform node which applies a look to an image using the OpenColorIO library. We bundled in Natron the 67 looks originated from Blender. the Blender OpenColorIO config is from now on the default in Natron instead of nuke-default.
Another important addition is the ability to edit the motion of bezier shapes via the curve editor. You now have an animation curve which you can control over the X axis to adjust the speed of the motion.
We also added a few tricks to the node graphs, for instance now when you hold down the control and shift key and bring two nodes nearby to each other, their bounding box will be coloured in green, indicating that they can be merged. Upon release of the mouse button the two nodes will be merged automatically with a merge node, thus saving tremendous time trying to pick the small arrows.
Needless to say we spent most of the time killing bugs, and Windows users should now be pleased to see that the Tracker node is working once again…

This is exciting. I am going to schedule a demo of this software at our next SoCal Blender Users Meeting. We are all about multiple tools in a “blender” and not using Blender as just an all-in-one tool.

I’ll post a link to the video recording we will do if it.

devernayFrédéric Devernay

Because I have to quit maintaining Natron, and nobody volunteered to maintain it.
I even added the possibility of having bounties on feture requests and issus (on github), but nobody even proposed a bounty.
So Natron will probably continue as it is now, with its bugs.


There is no way that a single developer can maintain a complex program like Natron.
Maybe developer should start a campaign to seduce small studios to contribute. Natron is in a fairly acceptable state of development, and perhaps it would not be very difficult to seduce those studios by showing its potential.

Development is up and running again !

Version 2.4.1

Known issues
Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames. #248
Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB, CR2). #602
MTS video files are sometimes not read correctly. #186

Default number of render threads is more reasonable on multi-core systems: min(num_cores, RAM/3.5Gb). #554
Fix checkerboard drawing on macOS Catalina and later. #614
Fix undoing “Reset to default” on parameters. #630
Fix NodeGraph manipulation and navigation issues. #491 #627
Fix Retina/High-DPI display issues on macOS, Windows and Linux/X11. #635
Fix multi-dimensional parameter linking (bug introduced in 2.4.0 #594). #631
Fix bug where any argument containing an integer between commas would be interpreted as a frame range. #644
Python: app.saveProject and app.saveProjectAs now do project variable substitution, as in app.saveProjectAs("[Variable]/output.ntp").
Fix ASCII curve import. #656
New color selection dialog for RGB and RGBA knobs. #210
Fix histogram smoothing (was 5 times too strong).
Add Python functions guiApp.copySelectedNodes and guiApp.pasteNodes. #390 #674 #675

Transform, CornerPin, Position and Ramp nodes now display the motion path.
HueCorrect now has the ability to do hue vs. hue adjustments, with an option to change the background curve guide. #610
Merge: Fix behavior on most operators when A is not connected or A’s RoD and B’s RoD are disjoint. #647
Reformat: fix bugs when “turn” is checked with Resize Type = None or Type = Scale.
Write: Remove file first when overwriting. #666
Mirror: Fix crash. #660
SeNoise: Add option for colored noise.


That is fantastic. Thanks to the new developers on taking on the challenge.

Is Natron still being developed? Is it going to have AI features someday? HOPE so.

It’s still being developed but they don’t have enough developer power to add a lot of new features.
You can check out the ShaderToy node that allows to write a large array of plugins.

I think at this stage they could really use some help to finish to add standard tools before thinking AI.

All that said it’s already very powerful, if blender isn’t enough it’s worth giving it a shot !

or just use Nuke (which Natron copied), or Fusion.

yes thats cool but it doesnt work on windows, instead I tried it on linux and its flawless there. So basically works only on linux.

That seems to be a personal problem with your machine.
It runs perfect on mine.