Mypaint windows buil

Mypaint official beta installer for win, linux windows version is more stable

Mypaint rocks

Really awesome but sadly broken/mismapped with Wacom in mouse mode with 2 monitors… as is Krita

It’s not so much broken as just not supported: Implementing mouse mode for tablets is UI-code hell.

Out of pure curiosity, why are you using mouse mode?

I did not know that, thank you. To answer question - mouse mode allows more comfortable dual monitor workflow between all applications while retaining excellent precision + avoiding capping/stretching tablet canvas when it’s mapped to the monitor. Purely subjectively it is also more comfortable to essentially hold your hand in one place not move it to every corner of tablet. Also have better sense of control/precision as physical tablet area becomes less important. Additional bonus points for working very well in BF4 where it almost feels like cheating :slight_smile:

I am aware though that you can override it per application in wacom cpanel however it’s still uncomfortable and inconsistent.