My Tim Burton Style Character, Ongoing Work from D.Ward Tutorial

Thanks IconW, glad you liked it.

one more…

woke up at 4 am…well my dog woke me.

What do you think he’s saying ?

This is so cool to see this in action, I wish I was this far along with my rig but I have been totally swamped with work. Keep it up man you are inspiring me to keep going with mine.

Thanks so much…I think it helps out when we can inspire each other. I know your comment was very uplifting to read and helps me keep going.

I love your cycles vs blender questions…really good info for a noob like me. Thanks for posting that question, I kinda wish they would sticky that one.

I am trying to finish up this character and get to animating! I am story-boarding a quick idea now.

I love the short video you linked to…I’d not seen that but wow was that well done.

If anyone else wants to see a very good short

I’m Working on the mouth phenoms library.

I’m trying to make my crappy facial controls work…I kinda need to redo a few things but I’ve not got the mud to do so now.

So making what I did sort of work , here is my guy trying to talk to his parent.

Try and guess which parent he is speaking to…

can you tell?

Answer will be in the next post… :slight_smile:

I see you did lot of good work here :slight_smile: Very impressive. Facial animation is great. Just keep it up. I think you don’t need any special advice. It looks like you know what your doing and it’s just a matter of time when you will finish :slight_smile: I mean at least finish the library. Then you will sink in pleasures of animation :wink: I’m looking forward for more here.

wow - great cycles! hard to guess - the last one could be mam?

well spoted !!

ding ding ding

you win a fabulous smart eye award. :slight_smile:

I was trying to say ‘Mom’ but you got it right enough.

made me feel like I’m not doing things completely wrong.

cool - can’t be wrong, espc. as this is already entertaining at this stage of development, so i am looking forward to the upcoming short you’re planning.

maybe the phonetic pattern wasn’t that clear because i expected the lips being a bit pressed on top of each other at first forming the m.

Yes, I think you are correct. I keep making noob mistakes like that…but its all new to me. Great comment, that made it easy for me to see my mistake.

Pick on those little details as you see them…that really helps me be better and start to see them for myself.

I am working on a very simple story board. I’ll post it if you want to see it.


wow, thanks piomar !

It helps a lot to get feedback as I am sure you know. As I start to do some real animations please let me know anything that looks off to your eye. That will be a tremendous help and allow me to improve my work. I want to be at a pro level…no, I WILL do work at a pro level…:slight_smile:

These are my fist animations! I am an artist who has worked in the game world but I burnt out and left the field for the last 5 years. I am only now going back to my first love.

I never did character animation but I always wanted to. An old dream that will not die. Please keep checking in and let me know how I can improve

Greetings all,

I’ve this new image for the opening of my planned short…er very short and rough animation. Er…did I say rough? Well since I’ve never animated before I’m going to create a short skit. I’ve finished my story boards and started work on creating the background world.

Not much to it…just an empty white world.

I don’t think I’ll do a great job so don’t expect too much. Its a very simple little skit but since I don’t know what I’m doing I think that’s all I should try for now.

I’m so damn slow…took me a little while just to get this setup going with the look I wanted. It’s not perfect but I think that will be ok for the story.

What’s the story…well I could post my story board but I think I’ll wait. I don’t want to give it away right now.

This took too long…don’t seem like it eh?

Wow, very nice progress! I really like all the facial expressions! You can start to feel that the character has life and personality (esp. on post #42). Great to hear you’re making a short animation/skit! Will be interested to see how it all turns out…

Rally nice progress :slight_smile: Looking forward for more.

Hi, James_Z, the environment for the animation looks promising. It allows to concentrate on the character and at the same time it isn’t nothing because of the volumetrics. I guess that you used cycles volumetrcis here? Or is it BI?

The character is also nicely lit. I’m looking forward to your first sequences :slight_smile:


Thanks for your comment, I am sure you know how much it helps to read what people are thinking about the wip :slight_smile:

I am so new to animating that I did not want to try to do too much. So you read my thinking about the background exactly.

I’m using the BL render for now. As I progress I hope to get feedback about doing with cycles. I am really wanting to use the node system as it looks to be so very powerful when used properly. I do want to focus on getting a pleasant animation. Not perfect or Pixar, just something you can enjoy watching.

I watch your work with great interest…I love your designs and renders…

Rally nice progress :slight_smile: Looking forward for more.

Thanks piomar,

… from my end it feels like I go at a slow drunken walk and then fall on my ass. You wouldn’t believe the dumb noob things that trip me up…I could write a damn book about what not to do :slight_smile:

Wow, very nice progress! I really like all the facial expressions! You can start to feel that the character has life and personality (esp. on post #42). Great to hear you’re making a short animation/skit! Will be interested to see how it all turns out…

Solowy, It means a great deal to me to read that you can feel him…since I can’t animate , I really wanted to achieve at least that much with what I could do.

I’d have to say I was very surprised at how those facial controls made it possible to create facial expressions. Blender is really an amazing software package.

I hope the short will be good, or at least not to horrible. I’ve planned to do very simple little things: standing asleep, bending, looking around, picking up from the ground.

No real run or walks…I’d like to keep going with just giving the viewer a sense that he is a real character and is bored by the boring room he is in…then interested, then scared, then runs off screen. See? dead simple stuff.

Well there is a few other things that happen but that really is the basic idea. So don’t get too excited…it won’t be something to go tell your friends about. :slight_smile:

I say don’t get too excited alot…hmmm …I think I just want to lower the bar for what I’ll be creating since I’m so new at this. I am however, very excited about doing it and I love making my vision and story ideas come to life…just like the rest of us blender heads here.

The storyboards below are not really readable…since I want to surprise people and not show my dumb story right now. I did however want to show that yes there is a plan. :slight_smile: A simple dumb plan. Hit me with the noob hammer now.

Page 01 Storyboard

Page 02 Storyboard

Cool storyboard and great character. Can’t help much with animations, but I wish you luck!

nice… have you been planning a time/frame scale for the short already?

Yes…a bouncing balls. Can we get anymore noob that that.

Well I’m having fun with it so far. I’d love to jump into the ‘real’ animation but this is as real as I got all weekend.


I didn’t charge any extra for the slow motion fx. Ok, it couldn’t figure out how to get the gif to play at 24 fps. :frowning:

Don’t shoot me I’m just a rubber ball.

The last bounce…well its going to be done over anyway. Funny, now that it’s posted I can see how to fix it.