My Star Trek Enterprise

I have come back to an old project

working on special effects. Trying to do the enterprise going to warp. This is test number 2

Ahhh! Welcome back from Deep Space my good old friend Enterprise…:stuck_out_tongue: Is good to see you back.

I know is early stages and that you are going for the Warp speed feel here, but is to cylindrical…anywho is looking great, can’t wait to see it go into warp speed, also it would be great if there was some sort of stretching of the ship as it goes into warp.

I agree, there is so much I am trying to do but have no idea how to do it. I am doing a lot of tests to try and find the right configurations

Enterprise Warp test 3 Getting closer to what I am looking for<span class=“fbPhotosPhotoCaption” tabindex=“0” data-ft="{“tn”:“K”}" id=“fbPhotoSnowliftCaption”><span class=“hasCaption”>

Enterprise Warp test 4. I see a bunch of changes I need to make. I added a glow effect through the compositor but need change the glow settings. Also I will be adding sound to the next animation

Looking better, like how the Entreprise is streched as it goes into warp speed…great job, keep on the good work

Enterprise warp test 6, Added the space Drydock, Changed the glow effect from Streaks to fog glow.

I have been doing some testing in Engine exhaust. Here are some earily test renders.

Latest Video editing for the enterprise. I am working on a higher resolution video for the 3’rd scene but its going to take a few weeks to render

Here is the latest render. This took 9 days to render