Michalis made me do it.

I dont think Im in any club though… Im abusing this stuff to no end.
those last ones are all very low polygon objects with little or medium texture maps…
As I understand it the volume stuff lets light look like light when it does stuff like pass through dust, mist or things like that, and caustics I know about as a result of living in them, I am utterly surrounded by them but that doesn’t mean that I know how yet to render them. Thats next…

I’m ill prepared, I will download new stuff once I stop doing stupid things like this:

The mesh for this is over 1/2gb (about 5 million polygons give or take) and the textures are about 50mb, this made Blender quite angry but it STILL RENDERED IT!
I for one am thrilled!
At the moment I am attempting to add the nodes for the normal map which is also about 50mb but Blender is so freaked out that I can hardly move the mouse and it took over half an hour to switch to this window…

More soon if I dont crash.


mealea… zbrushs decimationmaster (with keep uvs) is your friend here… after that blender can digest your wonderful colorful sculpt more easily :slight_smile:

I crashed.
But thats ok, I didn’t expect it to work and it got a lot further than I thought it would.

I have been using that and ZRemesher, but I wanted to see how far I could push my luck and I found out. Much further than I expected but not as far as I want!

Thanks to Michalis I can now make this:

This sort of stuff is gonna be a lot of fun!

Apparently there’s something happening involving voxels so there can be fire and smoke.
This give me an idea…

Ok its fun already!

instant progress.

Things that glow AND light up the air… or whatever it is… around them!

More super low polygon stuff with large textures…

The organic stuff has a strong Mardi Gras flavor to it (that festival where people wear flamboyant and colorful costumes).

Your texture work seems to be just fine as well. You also mention a software called Open Simulator, can you tell us what it does?

Thanks Ace!
Mardi Gras is like a thing we have here only tame and I love the colors! The Carnival in Brazil is amazing too though I worry about how they manage to come up with all the feathers.
The texture stuff is the point of these, Michalis is having a hellish time teaching me to use Blender like a sensible person as opposed to an impulsive button pushing maniac, he is making progress and these are the results.

Opensimulator is a networked virtual reality server that is free and open source, its like a 3D version of the web. Anyone can run a server which provides an empty chunk of land, sea and sky that you can build in using a viewer (theres a link to a good one below). Servers can be connected together to form vast areas of land (called a grid) with any number of people in them, OsGrid is a great example of this and the largest. The viewer is how you get into and move around in the world, and it provides a lot of excellent tools for 3D modeling importing mesh objects from things like Blender and doing things with textures, normal, and specular maps and lighting. Best of all you start off with a fully rigged, shockingly ugly avatar named Ruth who you can edit to your hearts delight or replace with something you create your self out of mesh. All objects can be scripted with a wide variety of languages and this allows them to do just about anything you can imagine (or at least program).
OpenSimulator is why I am learning to make low poly stuff with high quality textures, I don’t want to just make things and render them, I want to run around in them as well and make it possible for other to do the same.

Heres some links if you are curious:


More screwing about with textures…

This stuff is fun but it takes FOREVER…