MESH EXTRACT addon - dyntopo subtool operator

i have some problems with your addons

  • wen extract the new geometry sometime the sculpted geometry disappear wen enter to sculpt mode
  • the extracted mesh in edit mode, how can’t i activated the surface, the mesh appear in wire in solid mode
  • the mesh with the mask wen enter edit mode is in wire to and i can show the surface
    is difficult to edit the mesh in wire only did any one have those problems

lets see if someone can imitate meshmixer’s tool “smooth boundary”
that would be great mixed with this…

  1. mask area
  2. smooth boundary
  3. extract. :slight_smile:

i was about to ask for this smooth boundary hahaha this is a must have +1, farshary have implement for 3d coat some similar method bezzier base smooth countour

I forgot to mention that you can open the menu in the 3DView with Q. There you can select objects, and open the submenus, with the masking operations and some more.
I don’t know about what you asked kakachiex2, we’ll have to wait for iceking.

here is a video showing “smooth boundary”, this cleans up the edges.

here is another video demonstrating it, starts at 2min 50sec

Great possibilities!!!
OK, I think that every Blender user will agree to that it would be REALLY cool if MeshMixer become a part of Blender’s Sculpt mode. I see they are moving in a right direction.
But I’m not sure if it possible (by their own API or whatever there…). Or even maybe they don’t want it.

guys, problem with the borders here too, sometimes better to retopo, at least with this you can experiment with shapes before going to wires. this is all really just a collection of inherent commands within blender, we just shortened the process by doing the code. and also latest upgrades are all the python knowledge i’ve come up in a few days. but i’ll see if i can fix the border issue.

I’ve played with MeshMixer a bit:

(+) fast triangle re-meshing algorythm
handy controls for mixing (it’s awesome boolean or something else I can’t understand)
great “modelling” tools like slice, extrude, extract forms and Smooth selection (that’s awesome)
(-) poor sculpting mode with basic brushes that I can’t compare with great Blender’s brushes
some adaptive subdivision mistakes when sculpting with tiny brushes (it starts to break a stroke)

For a free program it can do very good things!
Next time I’ll try to use it to do some composition using pre-made meshes then export and finish it in Blender.

Forgive me for off-topic (again)! I’ll describe you my experience with MeshMixer in conjunction with Blender.

I’ve tried MeshMixer with Remesh task using my ~560000 triangles mesh.
I take my words back. It works not so fast as I’ve expected and uses only one core (my pc is two-core and the task manager shows almost 50% there).
The profit is that Remesh algorithm is good and have useful tweaks. But there is a lack of input fields (Remesh really need it because you can’t wait about one minute each time just to move a slider!) and presets (yes, it could be a good help to save time!)
I’ve used it to make my sculpt more handy in the retopo process (too much triangles in 3d View slows Blender a lot!). After Remesh I’ve fixed some smooth areas with Adaptive Reduce brush. This brush helps pretty much too!

Mirror had crashed MeshMixer so I’ve did the last step again and imported .obj in Blender where I’ve did Symmetrize in Sculpt with Dynamic Topology enabled.
P.S. Can anybody suggest a better pipeline to convert a dense mesh for retopo?

Moolah try this - . You will have quick remesh button in sculpt mode - at bottom of left properties panel.

Jose, thanks for the link!
But are you sure that something changed with Blender’s Remesh functionality?
You should see how MeshMixer do this!

Super good! Can I trunkify this please?

[EDIT] come to think of it I have my hands tied somewhat right now but I’m keeping an eye on this for sure :slight_smile:

Oh my
Thank you so much, exactly what I needed right now.
Not to help dyntopo performance though. Something more dirty in mind LOL.
Thank you and thank you again.

heres a new one

who wants it?

made this with grease cutter along with sculpt ui boolean toolset, done in 30 mins using only box and cylinder primitives. objective is to quickly prototype objects then retopo and sculpt.

Yes, please!
Whatever it can be I guess it’s cool! :slight_smile: (can’t see the picture)

heres another pic.

i’ll post it maybe this afternoon.

who wants it?

I’d be excited to have this freedom!