Mercedes Benz SSK 1929

Especially in the case of a car, “The Almighty Product™” must look pristine. I’ve watched them shooting commercials in Death Valley, and they polish the car both at the bottom of the hill and at the top.

There are, if I may suggest, a few lighting issues that you should think about:

  • In the original shot, the rear of the car in the vicinity of the spare-tire is, IMHO, too dark.
  • In the shot in post #30, the right fender is blown-out white, and there is no detail in the tread of the tire. While the lighting on a car should be very, very high-key, this render in my humble is losing detail on both ends of the lighting curve.

Having said that, if you are rendering to MultiLayer or OpenEXR (as you should be), it may well be that the detail is still there in the file; that it’s simply being clipped against 0.0 and/or 1.0 in your present conversion to a picture-file. This is easily adjusted with Curves nodes in the blend-file that’s used to perform that post-render conversion, if the data is there to be had. (Such is the beauty of HDRI. Maybe.)

Ground is way too low res. In the third pic you can even see the pixels. Everything else is amazing!

Show us the wireframe please! This is the first proper car rig I’ve seen :o Plus the engine. It’s amazing.

what “flaws”? Looks great!

Great job. Looking forward to the making of, some very interesting parts.

Beau boulot, continue, c’est bien d’être autodidacte. Je ne chie pas sur les écoles (j’en termine une moi-même) mais je pense qu’on peut tout autant réussir en suivant son propre chemin. Mathieu Auvray - le réal de Gooseberry - est autodidacte par exemple (j’ai bossé sous sa tutelle l’an dernier et même si on a pas excessivement accroché je salue le chemin parcouru, la pugnacité et la débrouillardise).

Pour ton image, c’est tout pareil que ce qui a déjà été dit : tu pourrais mettre la caisse davantage en valeur en travaillant les réflexions.


Congrats on feature row. :slight_smile:


Thats a sexy render mate :slight_smile:

Wow! That looks amazing to me. I consider myself a beginner and I can’t do that! Beautiful work! I look forward to more to come.

Bravo! J’adore l’irisation sur l’échappement :slight_smile:

bravo !
Très réussi. L’irisation est classe !
Well done !

Congrats from me for feature row as well :slight_smile: You did an awesome job with this model from an earlier period, its a welcome change.

This is one of the most attractive renders I’ve seen so far. Probably because I prefer this kind of renders, contrast between light and dark is sharp, exaggerate or stylize realism. If this is done using Cycles, I’m sold. I rarely click these banners, but this one tempted me to.

Excellent ! mod et rendu… Bravo !

Five stars modelling for me! :slight_smile:

Thanks to all for your kind words.
@tjc69, I call myself a beginner cause I’m just 19 and I made this project to train myself and to learn.
@weburke, I’m really happy to see that you appreciated my work cause you are one of the most famous people on the blender comunity and my technique was improved a lot thanks to your amazing training website.

(apologies for my bad english)

@sundialsvc4, thanks a lot for your advises wich help me a lot. I will try to apply them for my futur works.

@ArasTM, For the making off, wireframen turnatable and other, visit my FB page:

@coljwood, the making off is available here:

@Hadriscus, Merci a toi, j’aurais bien aimé intégrer une école de 3D mais ça a pas été trop possible pour des raisons budgétaires. Les écoles sont toutes privées :confused: Mais du coup je lâche pas l’affaire :slight_smile:

@kanishk2391, blast_UK, thanks a lot, it’s verry motivating

@stormrom, Merci a toi, je voulais vraiment essayer d’avoir des matériaux photo-réaliste.

@Sulivan, C’est sympa, pour être vraiment honnête, je savais même pas que ça s’appelait comme ça mais j’avais déjà vu ce phénomène a plusieurs reprises sur du métal chauffé ou au fond des gamelles en alu alors je me suis dit que j’allais essayer de le reproduire. (j’ai utilisé l’outil de dégradé de photoshop en mode différence et avec plusieurs nuances pour obtenir le résultat souhaité.

@Scorpion81, thanks

@jskurias, thanks a lot, I really wanted to obtain a kinf of contrast between the car and the background so I decided to use a black background. And yes, I used Cycles.

@Dohuboy, Mulinrouge, Thanks guys

Please, like my facebook page for other works like that or cool stuff:

It’s very good, material is good, the rendering is too… mostely everything is good besides the light. It’s not bad at all it’s just not as the same level as your skills in others area. In fact I checked again and it concerns only the last image. I’m sure you know it’s odd beacause of the other comments but since I didn’t read them I may repeat what it’s already written.

(forth image ony)
The modelling in the front wheels seem a little bit flat (maybe it’s the position on the Z axis maybe it’s on purpose…)

For the light… In the front part you used a source put in the line of the object at 40 degrees maybe on inclinaison… or less (don’t know how to say but it’s the rotation on the X or Y) am I right?? I think it’s this light which is too bright or too close to the object.
You could do a high key for that part, it’s ok, it works on the other images, but in this one, because the angle of the camera is too close of the angle of that source, it flattens the image, erases all the shadows and for the eye it’s not possible to appreciate the deepness and the modelling of the object.

So reduce the intensity of one of those lights of the front if it’s the fill light), or maybe the size of one of them, or the distance and certainly the inclinaison of one of them.

In lighting, if you want to have better shadows you can reduce the size of the source or put it higher (that’s why the sun, even if it is the biggest light on earth, produces hard shadows).

If you don’t to light correctly this front part without touching the rear part, you can use planes as blackflags to block it, or maybe light points at a good distance (but they light in every direction, that’s a shame). So for the grid, to enhace it, as it’s the point of attention of that forth image, I’d use a spot light, diffused, rotated on Z at 5 degerees on the right side, rotated at 0 degrees on the X or Y axis , just to create sparkles that will reflect on the lense of camera.

BUt anyways, I which I could do a car once like you.But soon… :slight_smile: