Luxrender 1.4 Release

Thanks B.Y.O.B… New lux is freaking fast. I will have to test it, but posibbly it is faster than cycles now.
Some gif demo, of interactive viewport rendering!!

btw. your link to luxblend is wrong, and links to old luxblender exporter. But new one is available with lux1.5 build you provided. Thanks again.

Jose Canseco

This is only Linux currently lacks a bit for windows 7/8.
That gpu these?

I use B.Y.O.B. build, from previous post 1.5 lux. Gif is cpu only.

Nice gif!

Yup, 1.4 stable for windows is not up yet.
However you can also use this build with latest stuff in 1.5dev:

I tested it and the Biased Path tracing is really quick, it’s nice. But the viewport progressive rendering completely destroys performance, you can’t even work with it (lag of several seconds if you move the camera, change a value, etc…). Am I missing something? Is that why you were using CPU for your gif?

I have win7 + i7 3930k + GTX580 3GB.

The problem with GPU rendering is that some scene edits require a kernel recompilation, and that makes it slow. Examples: material edits, viewport resizing.
Moving geometry requires an accelerator update (like QBVH in Cycles), thanks to Intel Embree this is usually pretty fast. This is a factor in both CPU and GPU rendering.
The fastest edits when rendering on GPU are camera and light edits (e.g. rotating the sun).

That’s why the default device for viewport rendering is the CPU, the latency is much lower there because no kernel recompilation is necessary.

If you want the fastest kernel updates for GPU rendering, use only one GPU device (disable CPU and all other GPUs you might have in the compute settings). Otherwise the kernel has to be recompiled for each device.

Thanks for the explanation. I also tried with CPU preview rendering and it was incredibly slow as well. And I’m just talking about camera rotation around a ball with physical sun and sky.

I did some testing and here are the results for simple PathTracing 128 samples, with Sobol sampler:

B.Y.O.B. - will there be separate settings for biased PT for transmission, volumetric sample count?
One thing I noticed -when using biased PT in luxcore - there is no setting for sampler type. Workaround is going switching from Biased PT to PT, then changing sampler, then going back to biased PT.
Any chances for sss shader in luxcore? Like the one in cycles?

All necessary settings from LuxCore are exposed. I’m not aware of a separate setting for volumetric samples, and the transmission settings are already exposed (I think you mean specular depth/samples?).

That’s intended. Biaspath has its own sampler that can’t be configured or changed.
AFAIK it’s some kind of lowdiscrepancy/sobol sampler, but I’m not sure. It is optimized for Biaspath.

SSS is already supported, use a transmissive material (e.g. glossytranslucent, mattetranslucent, glass or null) and add an interior volume that’s set to “homogenous”. Change the scattering color and scale (e.g. fog scale is about 0.01, milk about 10 when using a completely white color).
See this wiki page:

What are your render settings and what hardware do you have?

Hi B.Y.O.B.

Good to see on BA and welcome among us !

I would say to download LuxRender v. 1.4 don’t work from his site, it says “Unable to complete request”… Maybe a forgetfulness to upload it ?

B.Y.O.B. my specs are (I mady short render summary on my site):
CPU: InterCore i5-4770K @3,4Ghz,
I tried SSS with volume, but it is bit noisy compared to cycles sss. Anyway new LuxCore is big step forward in usability and performance of lux render Engine. Thanks for your and other developers work

Lux shines more in complex scenes with difficult lighting where the perks of its sophisticated algorithms like Metropolis Light Transport or adaptive sampling show their strength.
Put the car into a garage where the light only comes through a window or render a scene with caustics (like a pool) and Lux should be much faster than Cycles. In simple lighting scenarios (open sky, large area lights, much direct light) Cycles will be faster in most cases.

i7 [email protected] and GTX580 3GB.
Realtime Preview Settings are CPU - Path - Metropolis - Gaussian. I tried Bidiirrectionnal but that’s the same. Path OpenCL renders black.
Also tried to Use Final Render Settings with Biased Path OpenGL with my GPU and that’s the same. Whole blender freezes for several seconds (until it halts, so 10 sec or 25 passes) everytime I rotate the camera :frowning:

The best performance I get is with the GPU Biased Path OpenGL and without the Enable Multipass. With it, it hangs a lot more.

Pretty strange, never had that happen. Make sure you have the latest drivers installed.

I implemented the support for LuxCore arbitrary clipping plane into LuxBlend.
Made a little screencast about it:

Want to try it out, but download links are out!

Usually in architecture and design use it much.
Especially limiting the camera generates exactly the same result.

Can you please tell us what gpu are you using? I’d like to test the scene with mine :slight_smile:

I’m on Nvidia 660GTX 2GB ram

1.4 Windows builds are finally available thanks to Omniflux, sorry for the long wait:

Thank a lot B.Y.O.B and all the others who brought this to us too.