Just one last step to get Oculus Rift working fully in BGE

Are there any bge devs/users who have gotten a dk2 yet? I’m interested in seeing if we can get positional tracking working in blender, I plan on trying to integrate it myself, but I’m probably a couple weeks at least from getting my rift.

Wow, thanks Lubosz (the OP) for the wonderful work that you’ve done with the Rift, Blender and a Wii Balance board!
For those who still haven’t, check his blog and the video he’s just posted :

Here’s my new experiment:
This is a project of a virtual museum. You save any pictures/paintings that you want in a folder (with the description if you want to make little info text besides the paintings) and the program creates the museum with the paintings in several rooms.

For the moment, I limited to 30 paintings but it can easily be extended!

I suppose it’s just a matter of time before there is a standardized way of using the Oculus and BGE. In the mean time, I don’t suppose someone would be willing to put up a walk-through on getting it to work on a windows machine?

I’ve got everything working but the head tracking. I have no idea what to do with the openHMD libraries.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

maybe contacting lubosz on his blog (or github) or help from OpenHMD’s github ?

This is a nice wrapper library for reading openHMD: https://github.com/wwwtyro/python-ovrsdk. I ported it to python3.4 using futurize and then import it from a virtualenv using sys.path:

import bge, sys
from ovrsdk import *

I haven’t resolved a problem with the path for the libovr.so file, so ended up generating a version in 2.7 and copying that into the 3.4 directory structure. I’ll put in a pull request once i get that worked out - but if you’ve got a python dev environment on your windows machine something similar might work for you.


We have created a piece of software that automatically reads and gives physics to all blender files.

Simply drag and drop any blender file into our program and in seconds will render it completely within the Oculus Rift.

Please support our project, its how we eat and its only 20 bucks a year. We support over 20 different BIM file types and later this week we are pushing a major update that will read google sketch up as well as 360 images and movies…

This does not change the file or convert it in anyway, we read these files in there natural state.

Happy new year from Machine Elf
