Island - BGE Demo Scene

Yes micah702,
it is a common tree here and many parts of the world as well.
This should give a bigger picture.

[QUOTE=;]The range of the natural habitat of the coconut palm tree delineated by the red line (based on information in Werth 1933,[22] slightly modified by Niklas Jonsson)
if you need more info you can always google it.:rolleyes:

Sorry vitorbalbio to post with off-topic matters.

I like coconut candy :stuck_out_tongue:

I will work in some props this week :smiley:
Rocks and Trees mostly
Thanks for comments ^^

Well vitorbalbio you have made one amazing game demo (all by yourself right?)
If you want my honest opinion, that IS AMAZING!!!
Keep up the good work

Little update:

Starting work in props for the scene.
Palm Trees:

340 Polys each palm. Nice count i think. I will make 5~6 variations and copy that as instances (ALT+D). It avoid long Loading times.

Not so much to show yet. I will try work in some rocks too this week yet.
Most important i yet need to add the system to management of the scene. Without that i can´t add any prop in the final scene.

Bye! :rolleyes:

wow! those palm trees reminded me instantly of Crysis! Very nice project you have going on. I look forward to seeing the amazing result :slight_smile:

Yeah , seems like Crysis O.O

Excellent palm tress!

I love those! Can you post a .blend of the trees?

skykooler: I need to fix some problems in texture yet, but after that i can post in the Resources forum.

Not so much updates. Just added a new layer in terrain.
Now i´m using some texture as stencil in terrain too.
Its works very good with decal objects in scene and outers details.

Having some fun:
Not final yet, final only when i add the scene management script

Bye! :wink:

Fantastic, Victor, I specially like the lighting! Very nice! Keep this up I’ll be waiting for this project’s blend, there’s so much to learn…!

Awesome :smiley:
Excellent work…

is this thread dead?

I hope not these pics look awesome. Really looking forward to seeing more of them.

Is not really dead, but my university holidays ended, and i´m working in a new project ( payed not only for portfólio ), so i think the rate of updates will be a bit slow for now.
Thanks for follow this project, i hope have some updates in two weeks.

The flare looks great. I don’t know anything about BGE but is it possible that the Flare could become an addon for movie making in non-game Blender? Perhaps as a layer to composite? Sorry if its a dumb question. Nice art BTW.

Hi viktorbalbio! I’ve been working the last weeks in making a demo scene for the BGE (on an island too). I just found this thread and I was wondering if you’re still interested in making the island?
Maybe we can work together on the project? I’ve already finished modeling and texturing a lot of assets…
I really like those palms :slight_smile:


is this thread dead yet!!! hope not

wow, I am also building more or less a beach setting and I’m having trouble to do the shorebreak. your shorebreak looks already good. how did you get the effect that the water gets white closer to the beach?
And your sandtexture looks awesome. Is it a free texture? Where could you find that one?
The terrain texture-paint is all done by vertex-colours, right?
having eg. a texture with size of 512*512 will let the texture look too big. How did you solve that?

I, too, am interested in how the shore break texture is done - is it done by hand, or a shader…?

EDIT: Oh, wait, with a stencil map?

Actually this project is waiting for now. I’m working in some outers paid projects and i’m teaching blender in a Game School here in Brazil (The most important in Brazil and we have Blender in the workflow \o/). But i will try to post the .blend files for study in the actual state soon if you want.
The textures in the terrain and ocean are complex Node configs basically what i did was use vertex color as masks to textures.
When i post it you can see it better. Is simple to think about it but we get some bugs in sometimes.

About the water the shore break is a Node material + Animated texture + ShapeKey animation. And it’s part of the same “ocean mesh”

Bye! ^^