Is programming an art?

I would like to think so.

P to play,

left click = pick up

point at slot left click = store in object

if your holding gun Right click = trigger code in weapon (code container)

Hi, based on what i have read, people considered programming as an art and they have considered coding as one. I think, another thing is, it’s because of the creative process done by software developers that makes programming really an art:)

I think one might need to establish the difference between what is an ‘art’ and what is a ‘skill’.

Art is readily expressive and programming isn’t, however, programming can be seen as a vehicle through which some forms of art are made possible. There are even applications that take things a step further and literally make programming feel like a natural part of the artistic process (such as the generative art creator known as Processing and the 3D fractal world generator known as Mendelbulber).

If your forte is generative art, then yes, pieces of code could actually be seen as the artistic medium, even though the expressive part shows in the output.

Really? What magical part of mechanically applying paint to canvas or graphite to paper is inherently more expressive than defining instructions for a process? Is composing music or designing a recipe or writing a story “readily” less expressive?