Is it illegal to include trademarked products in an artwork?

Dear all let me suggest for trademark registration
what is the process that where I can trademark my business logo some reliable resources ??

Trademark registration laws depend on your country. In the US, it’s Registration lasts for only ten years, they don’t send you notices when they’re about to expire, and they cost a fairly-considerable sum of money. I registered the trademarked name of a software product that I sold for several decades(!), finally relinquishing it when the product’s life-span was effectively over.

The US trademark office is obviously accustomed to dealing with attorneys, and you might wish to engage one “to mind your P’s and Q’s,” of which there are a great many and which are very important, if you intend to register a trademark for yourself.

“INAL!™” … but … As for "including trademarked products in an artwork," I would predict that the most important thing is to depict the product exactly as it is, and do not use a product’s mark in any other context. If the product included the “®” symbol, be sure to also include that mark. Depict the product faithfully, use it in the same context that the trademark-owner does, and do not desparage it or the product. You should be free-and-clear on this, because trademarked products of course are photographed all the time.

You should really get in contact with an IP lawyer about this. The BA forum is great to get advice on Blender and art stuff, but I wouldn’t trust someone who isn’t a lawyer with legal stuff like this. It’s the same thing with things like encryption algorithms, or creating a forensic model based on a skull. Anyone can do it, but you need plenty of training to do it correctly.

Thanks all
I have got some resources of trademark registration here


got a bit of a laugh seeing we are 2020 and on the iphone 12 (not iphone 9 in 2027 as predicted in first post)