Industrial Loft corner

That’s true :wink: Makes me finish circles.

I was imagining the sound the wooden legs would make against the cement floor as I positioned the chair to have a seat. Then I wondered what thoughts I would have as I gazed through the rippled glass and planned my day in this new unfamiliar city. This is the most fashionable vacation I’ve ever taken. Come to think of it, where am I? Oh - in a world inside Enrico’s mind!

I love how there is a little bit of white paint on the I-beam. But of course there is - someone really hand-painted that brick wall, right?
Your skills blow my mind every time. Thank you again.

Really very nice. I love the many details and look. Great Job!

Very nice design/ artwork- I know some people would love to live in that place… beautifully done

Stunning - your work is always on point with a definite unique style in terms of design. Any inspirational references you’d like to point us toward?

Out of interest - do you use the LiveDB much or do you make your materials from scratch?

Wow…Really great detail

Thanks again to everyone,

Well, I usually find my inspirational references in magazines and on the net.
I never use liveDB and I always create my materials from scratch, now I try to spend some time to create my own Octane material library.

Amazing work !

I usually don’t care too much about non fantasy stuff… But man, this is totally mindblowing! HUGE kudos :smiley:

wow!! really amazing !! i like it
but i will be happy if you share sofa shader please!!

I’m new to the cg world…Can you please help me understand something…
First of all, I LOVE this picture…AWESOME work!
What is needed to turn this picture in a virtual room that you can walk around in ??
( first person view), perhaps with an oculus rift ?
I plan on trying to recreate the old house i grew up in , so that i can walk around inside it, basically like a video game…
thanks in advance for any info you can give me!!

@@GDgrafX You would need to make a full game out of the house and then run the game file with Vireio Perception drivers at