Iceking's Tools

have to learn to put this on github, latest copy is in my sketchbook. also have to add more flexible constrains to vertex groups and probably prettify the ui.

retopoing this guy i just the coding itch!, something that has been buggering me for some time and…

yay! Ice Tools Addon v2.0, ui changes, it’s now friendly to vertex groups, update selected is now replaced with freeze verts option, also cleaned up some stuff and ported all view toggles to mesh view button.

Thanks for the update !

Thx for the update :wink:

quick update!, CLEANED THE CODE, was using too much loops, had speed issues so i reduced it to only one major loop running and that’s the repositioning of the SW modifier, also reduced how the updater toggles between object and edit mode, previously it was going for 4 toggles, what the!!!, now it has two. speed is back!

finally at github!, see first post for link. also some minor update to the code. that’s it, back to 3d.

Would you want to link to the repo as well? That way we can see commits and maybe even submit pull requests :slight_smile:

some 30 minutes in Github and i still don’t know what i’m doing lol. took me another 10 minutes to find a link to the addon signed off. hahaha, yeah sure, jonathan, i’ll try your suggestion. but first gotta use the contours/polystrips series on the sculpt.

Thank you! This helps a ton! especially the Shrinkwrap update…

you’re welcome! :), well, shrinkwrap update is the main man of the show here hehe, glad you found it useful.

here’s a demo using mainly bsurf, looptools and the ice tools


This is clean, great job :wink:

thanks pitiwazou, :slight_smile:

yo guys, did some changes, DL link is in the first post. cheers!

I d’ont find the shrinkwrap on selected, you have delete it ?


@pitiwazou: yeah i’ve replaced that with the frozen verts feature. i think this is the way to go, i’ve been using the ice tools to create assets for the characters like capes for example where parts of it must not be shrinkwrapped to the sculpt mesh and the update only selected is just too simple for a faster workflow, this way i can freeze the parts of the retopo mesh where i can edit without the shrinkwrap affecting it.

also the clip X threshold works by getting the vertices nearest to X=0 and positioning them to X=0. i often work with mirror on the negative X so i’ve set the default to -0.050, so anything equal or less than this X coord will be forced to X=0. so if your working on positive X with the mirror set the value to 0.050.

Yes it’s good, but I think it will be good to to have the Shrinkwrap on selected too if you can replace it too ^^

i will post a video soon on why this is better. :slight_smile:

try to include the frozen vert feature on your menu as well, this works way better than update selected in general. believe me.