Human head - sculpt to animation

I think the problems I’m seeing are in the sculpt you’re definitely good but i think you got a bit carried away. The lines and features are to hard and jutting making t look more like a hard plastic mask. I think you just need to go a bit more subtle in you’re sculpt. To be honest id like to see a rendering of the head before it was sculpted the base model looks great.

Thanks 1up3d, I think you’re right, actually I got carried away more than a bit. But most of all my workflow was terrible:
I started from a female (!) basemesh which I didn’t show, and got the the dynatopo sculpt. Then I did retopo on it and I had the basemesh as a seperate object and baked a normal map using the sculpt mesh.

I did a render without the normal map, here is what it looks like.

Seeing that, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t start the sculpt over with a multires, hence achieving the least efficient workflow of all times, haha. Although, having a normal map baked from the sculpt flattens and attenuates the details quite a bit, so it’s not as much over the top as the sculpt itself.

btw thanks for the comment GPS14, I’m still working on it!

he looks so much better with a smile, for some reason xD
perhaps you can use the no normal map version for the younger version of him, and remove the beard. i don’t know what kind of animation you want to achieve with him, but that could come in handy. as for the older version, normal map would still be necessary, but tone the strength way down.

I love the cartoonish look on the renders. For some reason I think it would be a great character for the Walking Dead series :).

Thanks Bill! Yeah he does look better with a smile! I’ll just animate a few poses, nothing fancy! It’ll be in the finished projects forum soon :wink: Also, tuning the Normal down turned out better too :slight_smile:

THanks keremetes! Yes I wanted a cartoonish look from the start ^^ actually my first inspiration was the main character from Wolfenstein New Order haha ^^ but I guess he’d fit in walking dead too!