How do you organise your models?

That addon is great for working with linked objects, I highly recommend it if you are doing any linking.

To be honest, all these items will probably be appended so they can be tweaked individually in each project
though that addon is definitely something to remember

i think im going to group them in .blend files,
like beer glasses in one .blend, wine in another,
then have a 1 level folder structure.


Chair And Table Sets

then use the power of SSD, to do some hyper searches lol

do you reckon there is some software i could download that lets me do advanced searches?

you know amazon can find products by brand via the products description?
maybe i could filter by room or by tags like furniture, Glasses, Appliances

i dont mind putting in some hard work per model, if it means it will speed up productivity in later life

You could probably find some software for advanced searches but I’m almost positive it would be outside blender.

I should really try to get good enough at python or even C to add some better library functionality to blender. Something like having a library folder inside where you keep all you blender stuff with a special file type for library files and a file type for a material library. In these file types you would add tags for a search and they would be kept in folders for certain categories (chairs, tables, etc.).

yeah thats exactly what im after!

file labeling is the it-word

usually it’s folder#Software[#]Title_Date

so i.e 20_Blender_[1]Homoncullus_26Aug2014.blend

What I have done with my library of models, is that I have sorted them in cataloques. Models > Furnitures > Sofa and so on. If this files have been opened once and then saved, I will see a thumbnail of the model (when using display mode thumbnails) when using the append function. Maybe not the best way, but it works for me.

To organize models and materials in Blender is a nightmare. I came from 3ds max and mode, where this was no issue at all.