How do you get a project voted/considered fora future open project?

what do you think about my current work?

Am I good enough?

This. A thousand times this. If you’re thinking about making your own short film, you want a seed idea that energises you to the point where you’re prepared to undergo the many weeks/months/years of work and suffering and pain required to realise it. Not every idea holds that kind of power. And not every idea with that kind of power is suitable for a small team or single creator. Once I made up my mind that I was going to make animated short films, it took me about a year and a half of developing one project after another before I hit on an idea that ticked all the right boxes for me personally. Here’s the protagonist of the piece.

Finishing it feels as inevitable as gravity - not because it’s easy, not because it’s smooth sailing, but because I love this project to bits and I’m putting myself through all the things to get it done. All that affection turns into psychological armour.

Abandoned projects are still important learning experiences that you can build on - upskilling, a creative corpse you can pick at for later work, even asset re-use in the case of CG. But there’s less need to be circumspect about a project that you actually finish.

“Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.” - Stanley Kubrick

Same goes for game makers,

why not work together?

^ I don’t disagree with that sentiment, really. But unless you have the skills and plan to attract people to your project, or the willpower to do it all alone, a CG short film is unrealistic.

I did a ~6 minute animation myself once, and it was only so-so, and it took hundreds and hundreds of hours over the span of months.

And I see a lot of people who think that others should help build their vision like a pharaoh directing people building a pyramid. Unless you’re willing to do most of the work yourself, don’t ask others for money, or to help for free.

I am more on the game side of things,

But the sentiment is the same,

why should I contribute my X, if you can’t do Y?

My game is already coded :stuck_out_tongue:
Next is art, but making a uv mapped modular level assembly system with LOD is tricky…

I am actually working on a project in the bge, to produce both a “tear apart to learn game” and assets for game making,

the same assets will be used to interact with a scene in 3d live, and record for rendering,

If someone else came up with a community project, and it was chosen, I would work on it… .

Is it anywhere we can watch it? :slight_smile:

Me too. Took about a year of my spare time. The first project I ever completed in Blender. I look at it now and cringe with embarrassment. However I regret nothing; I learned so much, both what to do and what not to do.

Why be embarrassed of your own art ? I am very curious to watch this “embarrassing” animation, I find it hard to believe that one will spend hundreds of hour on something and still look bad.

Ha! You should see some of my early sketchbooks. :wink:

Actually I always love to see how people started and where they ended up. I once bought this DVD —> . The DVD has a section that the author reveals his very early art, like 10 years ago or something, of course it looks nowhere near his current skill level and I found it fascinating because it really walks you through how he evolved as an artist.

I respect of any skill level, because art comes from the heart. Nothing more honest. My early art is on public display too and I am proud of it because its my baby :slight_smile:

That’s just how it works. With practical experience, your execution gets better/quicker and the ideas you’re executing also get better.


My first serious work in blender, I was 17? (I think)

before this, when I was like 13 I tried to make a dragon…

Yeah, I can rewrite what took me months in minutes now, simpler and faster…

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