Help with Normals texture bake

Your normal bake map is used in a texture channel set to ‘normal’ only. You can then assign an image texture to another texture channel and set it to affect ‘color’ and if need be, even use a copy of your normal bake image in photoshop and adjust it to add colors/change to grey scale, etc. Painting on the image you have mapped to affect ‘color’ will not affect your normals unless you are painting on the the baked normal image itself. You can use several image textures for layering as in photoshop, including stenciling between texture channels.

Hi Craig,
Thanks for stopping by. Bear with me here… Two Question in here… Texture channel? Do you mean set the Influence in some way of an already baked Normals Map? Or is this the drop downs prior to a rebake as KennyW stated?

Lastly or 3rd question…(I know how they sometimes are over looked…)
So if I understand you correctly as long as I have a Normal map as a base texture on my model, I can add more textures to the same face as “layers”; as I would in PS (effects, masks, etc) Which has no affect on the RGB of the XYZ of my Normals Bake to tell my light source how to light my pixels?

For some reason I had got confused from earlier posts as well as watching videos that just stop right before dealing with color changes or creating a Color Texture Map…Along with, following along with 2.5 Blender tut using in Cs 4 when I am in v2.71 and Cs6

Check out the videos on my youtube channel, there is a five parter you can skim through that deals with painting different layers in Blender Internal and in the fifth installment you can see how I use them in a node group in Cycles. I use a regular bump map there, but you can get the gist of how layering textures works.

Thanks Craig I will do that. I will check it out. I think I get the gist of it now…

Appreciate everyone’s help on this…thank again!

EDIT> that layer stack you see (if coming across this thread) is in reverse of most every piece of software out there. The stack is from TOP is the bottom layer and the Bottom is the Last layer used or the Top Layer… Opposite of P.S