Hard Ops Thread


Probably because it was only made for X64 blender

Very usefull addon, but I’m having few problems after since “Keymap” option was introduced to HardOps preferences in addon menu and problem still persist to current version 006(F)

When I change my keybinds from Keymap pulldown menu in HardOps addon panel, save user settings, close blender and re-open blender, it resets those binds back to HardOps defaults. Same thing hapends even just doing that from Blenders own Input settings.

I’m not sure if anyone else have same problem and what causes this, but I’m using MaterialUtils and Pie Menus Official addon for navigation that occupy shift+q and q keybinds.

Also another issue is that sometimes when I have opened my scene and after try edit keybinds to HardOps keymap. They are all greyed out and unable to change untill restart blender and edit before opening scene.

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Very nice addon. Got myself a copy.
In the downloads there are a bunch of other files (Python scripts), are those needed? I just downloaded the ZIP, and it seems to work fine.
I really need to get Boolean Tools and start creating some weird stuff :smiley:

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You need all the .py in the zip.
This new version is in multi files, the previous (0.49) was with only one file.

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comin soon

@masterxeon1001 Do you mind doing a short tutorial like the blender lounge ones?

Elevation, so they added boy.preview in the layer versions so that’s why it works. Right now there’s an issue with the keymap. I might remove it for now however I default to the q. I’ll get that in the next next version. The old version 0049 was before a rewite that now has it as a folder since it’s more expansive. 0049 ah the good old days haha. 0049 and above don’t work with old blender versions due to the bpy.preview addition which allows custom icon support.

Hey masterxeon I would like to see booltron faster boolean integrate in HARDOPS for complex booleans see video here

Github page: https://github.com/mrachinskiy/blender-addon-booltron

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Cmomoney. I got a course coming up I have been waiting for it to stabilize. I didn’t want to do tuts using versions that didn’t exist yet. Cant wait to upload em!

I think you can find some Ideas for HARDOPS in this guy channel there are other addons that can complement HARDOPS is Jewelcraft addons take a look.

I might check that out. I’ll have to see what makes it different haha. I usually don’t bool so many objects at once though. But I also never tried hard ops on jewelry haha. I’ll look into it though!

I’m testing Hardops and I impressed how intuitive is and the result is really nice great work keep improving it

When you watch the ‘HardOps0048 Rebool test’ video, it shows just how far this addon has come in a very short time, the development is really impressive and I am learning so much about how to streamline using this toolset that it cannot help but speed up your workflow significantly.
I would add as well, that showing how cleanup is done has been very educational as the difference it makes to the final mesh is significant.

Just bought the addon and really like it. I’m sure I’ll find plenty of use for it in the future.
I only wish you wouldn’t record your videos on an ultra wide screen monitor, which, as awesome as they are, makes the font very hard to read for anyone without one.

Keep up the good work!

additional insert meshes added! updating gumroad now. Also 006 demo is uploading!


Hey masterxeon, i’ll post a small bugreport here if that’s ok. I’ve tried csplit on a clean setup and it worked like a “difference” bool operation. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/NHBz6elYy8k
and i might be wrong here, but it appears that the part where mod.operation is getting set doesn’t work for me. I have no idea why.

archlinux x86_64 here with blender from repo. I also tried version from the off site, same story. BoolTool 0.2

I’ve also tried to set a boolean modifier preliminary on the first cube, it didn’t work too.

Gavlig - thanks for the awesome bug report! Im checking into it on my side but I am unable to recreate it. It might be a linux thing but I don’t see how.


Was it working in the last version before this update? Because AR made a silent change to cslice however it was to add a menu selector to dictate behavior. I will get to the bottom of this haha.

I’ve checked a few previous versions and the bug is still present. Maybe the problem is on my side indeed, Any linux users here can give any input on this?

i discussed the issue with some people who used it and they said they didn’t experience such an issue. It’s definitely the most puzzling one yet. All the other errors are fairly straightforward. But if the previous versions have the same bug it might be a specific issue.