Gdevelop is now fully open source!!

Well, ok, but imagine you want to play at making a game for an evening (or a couple of evenings). If I were serious about making a game I would do it in a programming language with objects and classes whatever I wanted, I do that at work all day, but that’s not really the point here. People do stuff in programming languages decades before there’s nice gui input like this, and then it takes more time before you don’t have to pay for it to have an evening of fun, but all good things come to those who wait:)

I agree the BGE is probably years ahead of this, but in essence it’s market is the same, people having fun in the evenings and doing things quickly that they couldn’t otherwise do. There may be a small market for people with other applications needing to do something quickly and so these solutions are used commercially, but anyone seriously thinking of doing something important wouldn’t use either. For the small end market like us though both solutions fit the bill nicely and usability and speed are MUCH more important than high end features (although sometimes they are nice to have but few use them).

Not to mention the Game Develop (really needs a more Google-friendly name!) is LGPL, meaning one isn’t required to release all source code (only that which alters the core engine).

There is currently a heated debate over changing the name. 4ian is open for suggestions , but none of the proposed names so far has pleased him enough to change it. If you have any ideas for a better name, please help us out. I agree with everyone that the name is way too generic

Correction: That battle was heated few months ago, like June.

oh it is still going :slight_smile:

4ian is split between opengdev and gdevelop.

What do you guys think? Should it have “open” in the title- to reflect its open source nature. Or is it too long? I personally like both.

Sorry to revive this thread from the dead.

gamedevelop now has a trello page, where people can vote for future features:

I took another look at the webpage and the forum, but I can’t say for sure just how much progress they have made since last Summer?

For instance, do they have a steadily increasing number of contributors in terms of development or is it still mainly just 4ian? Does he do it on his full time or just his spare time? Also, I haven’t yet seen any particularly ambitious projects being made with the engine just yet, but perhaps one is being worked on somewhere.

I ask these questions because they can be used as a gauge to judge the overall momentum of a new FOSS project and determine the likelyhood of a bright future (especially since 2D game engines seem to be becoming a dime a dozen nowadays).

They have made some progress. There is a new contributor - Victor. He made a new object type - tileset.

Florian made a web version of the negine called gdevapp. Its an online app you can run in your browser. Whats interesting is that its projects can be opened in the desktop app.

On the desktop app front, much improvements have been made to the linux editor. It is much much more stable now- with the keyboard working finally in the event sheet. Panning has been fixed. You can add code groups. There are many new automatisms and object types too.

  • Auto complete automatism name when editing a condition or action and clicking on the button next to the parameter field.

Here is a release log of this month’s new release:

Added Shape Painter objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
Added Panel Sprite (“9-patch”) objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
Added Text entry objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
Added support for “Change global color” action for Sprite objects in HTML5 games.
Added LastPressedKey() expression to get the name of the latest pressed key.
Fixed hitboxes of Tiled Sprite and Text objects not always properly updated on HTML5 games.
Ensure that platformer objects are able to jump after being stuck into an obstacle.
HTML5 games are now fullscreen by default.
Fixed crashes with extensions (like LinkedObjects) due to an internal error in the game engine.
Auto complete automatism name when editing a condition or action and clicking on the button next to the parameter field.
Updated Pixi.js, the HTML5 rendering engine used by GDevelop, to the latest version.
Disable ribbon buttons in the Scene tab according to the scene editor state (preview or edition).
Translations are now made using (Any help is welcome! ).

and a release log of other versions:

it’s development is very much active! It is just not being communicated at the website. The website is planned for a change- so it will become more “Live”.

If you want to track gamedevelop’s progress, please add its twitter pages:
or facebook pages.

Ah, I must not have bothered to really check because of the wonky release versioning (the numbers make every version look like either a minor release or a bugfix version).

They really should stick with a scheme like say, 3.6 for major releases and 3.6.76 for bugfix/stability releases.

This is pretty cool, I’ve been wanting to try making a little sprite game for a bit. I’ll give it the old college try once I get the time. Thanks for sharing this!

thanxx for sharing this blog with us.You can edit the frame order and speed of animation of animated sequences. You can also assign action points that are also animateable to each frame of a sequence. Those are useful for gameplay mechanics.

When it comes to pixel editing - you will need to use an external app to make your sprites and animation sequences.
Mobility And Accessibility For Everyone!(

Gdevelop has now a new website!

Please help us with your feedback. :slight_smile:

There is a number of new features already ready for the next release:
-Support for multitouch in html5 games
-expression to get current scene name
-Action to change animation speed

Also Gdevelop has now been ported to Mac!! Here is an early screenshot:

Mac version is still beta.

Linux version is also receiving a lot of love and bugfixes.

in other news, there is now an AUR build script I made for those ARCH/Manjaro users who want the latest github master. Just type:

 yaourt gdevelop-git

and it will make a package out of the latest at git and install it.

if you are on some other exotic non-debian distro, here are build instructions:

Also packages are now being automatically created for OpenSuse, Arch and Fedora:

Gdevelop’s linux support is expanding!

The online app version - gdevapp can now export games straight to Android - APK files:

And here are instructions on how to use Intel XDK to package your html5 games for Android/ios (smartphones and tablets)

Intel XDK is free and is available for Windows, Linux and Mac

There is a new html5 point and click sci fi Adventure game, made with Gdevelop and Blender!
You can play it’s alpha here:

here are some screenshots:

And the developer’s thread here - for more screenshots:

video test here

Gdevelop as a game engine, Blender for rendering the graphics. :slight_smile: