Gauss tank - realtime model

Very nice wire frame. Very nice texture. Good concept with retro steam punk note (just as I like it). Nice lightning too.
It’s unusual that one person mastering all segments of 3D modeling process… you have my compliments also!

Wow endi, this is yet another proof of Blender GE’s power. And a true Blenderer’s skill. Though this is really not within my grasp to criticize, as I really am having a hard time with game engine and stuff like that. But, really really a big thanks for the inspiration. I’ll be viewing everything you’ve uploaded. Thanks soooo much! :slight_smile:

Awesome model!

Thanks a lot for all the texturing tips and files.

Keep us amazed.:slight_smile:

Ps, do you retopo to get the low-poly, or you do it some other way?

Very nice endi…Very nice :slight_smile:

Any chance of a normal map texture shot?

16k tris seems a lot. As you may know, the most important thing in low poly model is strong silhouette… and topology, of course. I would remove some triangles in parts where it doesn`t change shape of silhouette, in my opinion your tank could consist easely of 8k triangles, and it would look exactly the same.
Oh, and i have 1 question: why do you baked masks from model parts? where did you used it?

Is the 16K mesh your low poly model? You need to knock it down to at the most 3-5K for a game model.
Absolutely excellent texturing and baking work. Did you use Blender for all the normal mapping and baking?

So did you just bake the normal map from your high poly?
Great job man!

Better than most cars in XBOX games!

awesome! 10 stars :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, and the AO too.

16K triangle, but easy to make LODs. Making LODs much more easy than making a good and optimal lowpoly object.

Of course I use Blender for hi to low baking.

Reply my answer: 16K triangle, but easy to make LODs. Making LODs much more easy than making a good and optimal lowpoly object.

My goal was to make a detailed lowpoly object.

Yes I use retopo, that is a very good tool. :slight_smile:

Curious, how long does a piece like this take you to create in hours?

Endi, Great work I can’t wait until you do a formal step by step tutorial on your work flow.
It would really help anyone that wants to learn how to make assets for the Blender Game Engine.

Insanely impressive endi, both design-wise and technically. Count me in as pleading for a step-by-step tutorial!

I have work with this ~4*8 hours.

My workflow:

-making the hipoly object
-making the lowpoly object and UVing it
-baking from hipoly to lowpoly: ao, normal
-making color materials on the parts of the hipoly object to sign the screws, pipes etc. (see image in the topic) and baking this as a mask texture
-on the lowpoly (on a gray empty texture) I paint the oil leaks and dirt with black color and with white color I paint a mask for the scratches (I use the baked normal map on the lowpoly to see the hipoly details - thanks to glsl!) - see image in the topic
-I use common textures and the baked and painted textures to make the final texture (see the psd in the topic)

bitchin’! Wish I could do that.



So real time, as in game engine? If that could be incorporated into a game with that amount of detail, that would be simply amazing. It looks really good. One critique, is that supposed to be a gatling gun on the front? Maybe it’s some other weapon, but it looks like a gatling gun, and if it is, the protrusions don’t look like barrels. I’m sure that you probably already know this and have your own reasoning.

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dear endi,

Do you UV via projection on certain elements? Surely you don’t unwrap every object!