Games & Tutorials (updated Jan 5, 2011)

how can i add my game into the list?

this is my game:
done first short level:

Pretty nice for a first game, I like the sliding mechanism for the ice.

That pinquen is sooooo cute

i will add moneys to find, and next level, this is my thirth game, but the best
look too:


Much improved, but some areas of the walls need to extend down farther, by the platforms it looks like the lava isn’t rising up and down when it really is.

i done first level, add music, sounds, and better rotation, look, exe file


Here are some demos ive made from gaming questions people have had(explanations are included with blends)(THE LINK WORKS) : of files (22)
It contains:
-Fighting game camera script
-Camera stretch by delayed parenting fixed
-Car sim(turning in reverse, tires turning, wheels spinning)
-Realtime compass
-Custom keyboard controls, and player can save/load custom configs
-Fade away(fade in and out sounds/music depending on location)
-Glass example
-Grass example 1
-Grass example 2
-Health scenes(health value remains the same when switching scenes)
-Jack Rack(script to split long strings into readable paragraph form)
-Laser beams(shooting lasers with depleating energy bar)
-Path script(enemy follows char through a maze)
-Race laps(how to count laps in a game, and not count them while going reverse)
-Realtime rain
-Rooftops(the roof disappears while in a house so you can look in)
-Save/Load script(user friendly save load scripts, saves positions/rotations/ and properties)
-Realtime Sliders 1
-Realtime Sliders 2
-Track It(camera changes to track to new object, like in MGS when you control a guidance missle)

This doesn’t work. Just says 404 error the file requested can’t be found.

Mmhh that’s bad, I can’t dl it either. Actually I have almost all source inside that zip on my pc, except some file I don’t have. :-?

Here you can download my Geebeegee’s (GBG for GameBlenderGames :wink: )

Translated version of pierre’s site:|en&hl=en&ie=Unknown&oe=ASCII

I was blown away by some of those blender images, how the heck did he do the disco thing.

Those images are amazing! All of them!

Thank u !

Th automatic translation of my pages is apocalyptic but very fun ! :smiley:
I don’t know what you can understand, but…

Have you tried Frontier City ? It’s my biggest finished project.

The disco house is realtime, but standalone is impossible (too big, too many mesh faces)
I don’t have the blend files with me now, but i know i must show many many screenshots on my site…

I really liked it! But there is a problem: Way too slow. You need to consider people with poor graphics cards.

Do you use the RIGHT SHIFT key : it’s a BOOOOOOOOOSTER !

Yes i know, it’s too slow, i should make a lo-res textures version !

Low-res textures AND low poly (an english version too).

Low poly ? Low res textures ? Yes, but were would be the quality ? Hard choice to do… :smiley:

It would be good quality compared to most Blender games made today.