Futuristic Spaceship "Golden Rose 438b"

Just some quick changes:

I added a UV Color Grid in the background to make it easier to see the slight distortions.

Here’s just a quick screenshot of the texture painting process for those who are curious:

Always love to see pencil sketches. Off to a nice start!

Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

I’m adding some more textures. I should probably paint less textures. A lot of them are really big files (most up to 6k), so they can slow Blender down immensely.

By the way, I changed the name of the whole thing from “Starjumper 438b” to “Golden Rose 438b”.

Anyway. Here’s something I have been working on for a while:

Here’s what the whole ship looks like now:

Nice and the textures look great.

Thank you for the feedback, guys. :slight_smile:

Here is a render with materials added to some smaller details. And an enhanced material for the windows.

I think i’ll add some cyan/blue lights to the ship to give it more detail and, at the same time, add contrast to the great amount of yellow and orange.

I like the rocket engines. Keep them in that style. I think I’ll redesign mine:

Thank you, Hans Zimr! Your model is looking quite good. :slight_smile: I especially like the wings.

Anyway, I added some quick materials to the guns on top of the ship. Next step now, is to add some lamps and other random small details.

By the way, here’s another view. I recently added some lamps to the bottom of the ship.

Here’s a quick render of some of the illumination of the ship. I used a global volume shader to shot more of the effect of the lights.

I added some stuff and materials to the back of the ship. I know it doesn’t look very good.

Brutally honest feedback will be strongly appreciated. :slight_smile:

The wing material looks like the type used on NASA spacecraft which isn’t strong. If the ship is to be intimidating I would suggest a heavier material. Also Golden Rose doesn’t sound very intimidating either. other than that it looks great and I can’t wait to see finished result!

Thanks for the feedback! I will be doing some changes in a while.

I did some quick changes, but nothing too big. The most visible change is the illumination inside of the ship.

A small turret right above the ship would look good too.

I’m trying to get a material for the wings that looks durable and realistic. Here’s my progress so far:

I’m aiming for this kind of look:

Image by George Hull

By the way, here’s the node setup for the wing material that i’m using:

I forgot to mention that I made a few minor tweaks to the engines.

I added some guns on top, since I didn’t like the long ones on both sides of the ship.

I did some photoshopping to make some details more visible.

Just adding more details to the materials of the recently added guns.