Free Script Repository + 2.54 Scripts

Content has been removed. MayDev

So could I just go through the script and replace ‘gamelogic’ with ‘bge’?

Content has been removed. MayDev

Thanks, i will try it

Here I have a doubt:

In 2.4 we use : import GameLogic

So in 2.5 we just need to write: from bge import logic ???

Is it so

Content has been removed. MayDev

what the hell happen with all the answers of mayhem of hell???

Due to a few “Complications” which have been escalated to into legal matters, Until this time has passed certain content had to be removed to not complicate BA in this matter.
For the regular people who are wanting help, We can still be reached via private messages on this forum but until an unknown date in the future we are unable to have out generated content present online at this time.

Brad M

legal matters, oh that is sad, there are some guys that, well,I ll not say a word since i dont know what exaclty you talking about.
Good luck for you! your help on this forum is very, well, hepfull!

We did not wish to withdraw support but simply came to that point.

So yea either way those few we have had communications we are more then happy to help with in anyway we can.

Cheers leonn as its also helpful people like yourself who can bring others upto speed and assist with the help.

Nah use bge.logic

anyone here have the UV scrool script for 2.49, I can find only the 2.54 but i need the old ones!.

It’s on the first page. Under “PRE 2.54 SCRIPTS”. It’s the first script. Every script in that category uses the old api (obviously, pre 2.54).

thanks killer! I missed that

No problem bro :slight_smile:

hey killer, this is not mine but as it looks like you are organizing this thread, here is a script By the user kendrick1397 that is used to increase the pitch of a sound on an object as it moves, it can be used to make a car engine, i tought that this maybe a good script for the repository, all the credits go to Kendrick that made it, take a look on it.

I don’t know if my cumputer is the problem, but it seems that no script are working anymore. On the first page, all images or links are replaced by a box with a red “x” in it. Can someone help me?

Sorry! It’s all fixed. It was due to my blender upload site ( was down.

I’m looking for the UV Scroll script - Can’t seem to find a working link - Does anyone know where to find it? Thanks!

uvscroll.blend (125 KB)