Free high quality seamless/tileable textures

Wow, those are really nice textures! Good job!

Hi Josip. your textures look good. Neither of my current projects can use those things (I need a rough stone wall, furniture grade wood planks and homespun cloth) but I will keep your textures in mind when I do need some ground cover or weathered bricks.

Hey Josip,

Your Textures look fantastic (especially the brick ones), but when I went to download them, a thing popped up and told me that I could not download with addblock. Also on the welcome page it said something about having to ask you to use the textures with specific projects?

Sometimes I download a bunch of texture and forget why or where I downloaded them from and would rather not have to worry about who to ask when I use them a year later. I think it’s great what your doing for everyone, but when I read that welcome page my mind starts thinking about lawyers… and where I come from that’s a bad thing.

Josip, maybe you could upload these to It’s an excellent resource for game development assets

I can’t upload these textures to OpenGameArt because some of them use photos (not textures) from and I’m not sure about the license implications of that. Its fine for Blender users here because its all for non-commercial personal use but if I upload it to OpenGameArt people might use it for commercial stuff.

However, I do have an account on OpenGameArt and I upload textures made using my photos so I can license them any way I want.
I really don’t have time to go around and take photos right now, its a really busy month but if you send me a photo I can make a texture for you.

About adfly, I don’t use it any more so all links on HD textures will be fixed soon.

Textures not found 404

Your textures are amazing man, you worked a lot on this, and the quality is really good, thanks a lot for share with us!

These are really cool. I always appreciate people who give stuff for free because I understand it takes their time to make them.

Thanks guys for the support. I think all download links for the resolution 1024x1024 should work. Lower and higher ones are deleted because I didn’t have any dropbox space left.

I’m currently away from home and can’t make any textures but you can send me links for photos and I’ll use them to make textures when I get home.

Very nice sir, will be snagging a couple of these, you pretty much hit what I would need, bricks tiles ect. ty very much!

Awesome textures, thank you so much and keep up good work

Your textures are great, and their presentation on your site is also great. I will find them very useful, both in the game engine, and elsewhere. Your websites presentation, with that diagonal line between texture and normal map is also very nice and clear.

Hi, came here for a sand texture use while and…the website is down…

Website down

Anyone willing to upload the texture pack again?

Josip seems to have chosen to completely turn away from his life online, blender artists, and the BGMC :frowning:

Just look at the link in his signature, or go here:

So I guess that website won’t be coming back anytime soon :frowning:

Has somebody been chosen to takeover the BGMC, or is someone thinking about taking it over?

I want it too but the link is broken :frowning:

Hello. All links are broken ( Please help! I need sand texture.

Still haven’t downloaded anything :wink:
Look at the authors signature and go through his page…

… at least give a brother some thanks.