Floated Away survival game[Bountiful update No1]


The progress has been reset!!!

The sky is temporary. I will have day/night cycle with animation(even rotastion of sunlamp).

Actually, the water is still martinsh shader, as it has more performance than non-real-time reflective bump mapped water with animation.

I liked the water and the shadow cast by boat on the sea floor was good.
I just thought strange projection of the shadows of the trees.
I’m watching the progress of his game from the start.

Released new update!

Video of preview 3 aviable with some improvements in eniornment!

Updated the game:
Day/Night cycle
More dynamic lighting and shadows
Better trees

Awful FPS while recording(~10-15), medium while not recording(~17-25)

Great work i realy want to see the night day cycle…
About your problems
1)gforce 610 is not meant for gaming what is killing your performance is 1)shadows 2)alpha textures 3)probably the water (specialy if it is a custom shader).
Try disabling the water and check your fps the make lods on the trees change the alpha blend to alpha clip (this increse performane but realy dont look so good for that matter make the farest trees have this mode) and run the game on 720 p and disable the v-sync(to get the actual fps)
keep up the good work and optimize the game if you manage to hit at 720 p solid 30 with gforce 610 then you are very good.
oo and disable on everything that is a flat face the shadows the dont look good and eating performance.
I will need your advice on the day night cycle matter.

Yes, the shadows reduce the performance- I am thinking of graphics settings to change their resolution in range of 128 - 4096. Currently they are 1024. Well, this water works like on twice better FPS than simple bumpmaped, animated and transparent water. It doesn’t affect performance at all when I don’t look at it, but when I do, it affects similary like all terrain. But how to make that lod on tree? Could you give me a tutorial(actually, built in LODs in objects tab usually don’t work as expected(they usually affect material, but vertex is working only in 3D view, but not in game???) so I think I am doing something wrong)?

The LoD “Generate” mode in the object tab has always worked okay for me (in 2.7+ anyway). How are you expecting it to behave? Or rather, how is it misbehaving?

Have you tried applying the decimation modifiers it puts on the higher-level LoD objects? LoD objects are their own independent objects, with their own material slots, UV maps, etc. It just duplicates these when you auto-generate the LoD, but you can and should go in and change them.

Go check out the latest demo for IVA (in my signature). The Patrol Drone objects there LoD, if you need an example of how LoD works. Try spawning 20-30 bots in the game and start flying away from them and watch the performance change as LoD changes on a mass-scale.
Each of the LoD objects were created using the Generate function in the object tab. I then went in and did clean-up: tweak/apply the decimation, cut the mesh in half and re-apply a mirror (since symmetry is important for these guys and decimation screws with it), pulled some verts around so they match up better with the level above them, re-applied some geometry/materials to the detailed bits where decimation left them out, and cleaned up and verts/faces that didn’t need to exist. Then play-test it and see where pop-in is bad, and try to fix that with more vert/face pulling. All the same methods you use to create your level-0 mesh, just with progressively lower polygon & texture budgets.

Another sky, water and tree update. Better looking sky and sun, better shading, infinite world(parented sky), tree spawners for easier tree making and better performance, water upgrade and others!:slight_smile:

wew so good scenery there. I see you use some LOD

Yup! I really use some LOD on trees. Now I began to make an inventory system;) Anyway- I have a question- how do I set mouse cursor to center when I exit inventory screen? In inventory I turn of mouselook, but when I return to the main scene(remove inventory scene), the mouse stays at its position and quickly moves to center when I move the screen so the view flips a lot and thats annoying…:frowning:

P.S. Just found that code posted by Nines. Thanks Nines;)

Very nice!
I realize that there has been considerable progress in artísitca quality from project start.
Enjoyed the lens flare!

Thanks! Well, I have been looking for a lot of resources to make a good looking game. The hardest thing was to find how to make sjy fade ind daylight cycle, but look realistic at once- I decided to use object color, make it emit instead of being shadeless and add a halo texture around the sun to make it look even brighter:) However, I have now added hands and made basics of invnetory/equipping system. I am gone show a preview of that soon;)

Finally- my graphics card plays me back. I can’t get more than 20 FPS in optimal small window(like 350x250 which makes best performance). Usually I get 10:D

The 6th update of my game. I have removed the terrain so I can implement different system of terrain.

haha that wooden stick is too heavy o.o looks like its made out of iron … but scene itself looks nice. The arms are positioned unnormally too wide from each other

Khm… I don’t know about the arms, but the sticks’ weight is only 1.000 should I reduce it?

OK! I made the sticks 0.5 heavy…