Experimental 2.74 Cycles build with Adaptive, Tonemapping, Portals and Shadowcatcher!

Well, i was able to apply the patch, but got all sorts of errors while compiling. Guess i will wait someone who knows how to compile this thing…lol
i tried…:smiley:

Here are the errors:
Linking CXX static library …/…/…/lib/libbf_freestyle.a
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: file: …/…/…/lib/libbf_freestyle.a(BaseObject.cpp.o) has no symbols
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: file: …/…/…/lib/libbf_freestyle.a(BaseObject.cpp.o) has no symbols
[ 94%] Built target bf_freestyle
make: *** [all] Error 2

yes multilight. didn’t remember the name…

In Indigo renderer there’s Light layers, very cool feature.


Anyone can build for Linux?
It looks so effective

And thanks for all the hard work

Are there any tutorials or documentation available for properly setting up these new experimental features? I’m particularly interested in anything relating to the portals and shadow catcher.

The other question I have is, will future updates after fixing bugs ect., be posted in post 1 of this thread?

I can’t thank you enough for finally finding a way to do a workable shadowcatcher!

Portals is easy. Just position an area light in the hole in the wall/window, resize it so it’s the same size as the hole as closely as possible point it into the room. Then set it’s “is portal” checkbox. Voila!

you dont even need to activate the experimental feature set

Yep, no problem! Hope the files i linked might help debugging.

@harleynut97 - for portals, what @moony said. The shadowcatcher is a new BSDF, a new material…apply it to what you want to be transparent but still receiving shadows. Be sure to check “Transparent” in Film settings. Work with f12 rendering only, no Viewport preview. You’ll get your objects rendered, casting shadows onto this catcher…like @cekuhnen demonstrated with the car.

Lets not forget Tonemapping/highlight compression (named “White Value”) :slight_smile:
It brings back highlights/burnt out zones to display level, in Color Managment panel.

You will read about people saying we don’t need this, saying you can do this already with Curves and messing gamma, people saying needs to be done in comp, people saying this should be done by the grading department…still the fact even major commercial render engines out there have this and it’s great remains:

couple of extreme examples




ENABLED (don’t remember value i set)

I am not seeing the ‘Is Portal’ option for the Area Light.

^^ have you downloaded the build in this thread? This feature isn’t available in normal 2.74

Well i tried again, but this time using scons. Here are the errors, it seems to be the same problem.

Linking library ==> ‘libbf_intern_itasc.a’
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: file: /Users/giorgio/blender-build/build/darwin/lib/libbf_intern_itasc.a(frameacc.o) has no symbols
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: file: /Users/giorgio/blender-build/build/darwin/lib/libbf_intern_itasc.a(framevel.o) has no symbols
Compiling ==> ‘get_perm_c.c’
intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.cc:258:21: error: use of undeclared identifier
bool use_tonemap = fabsf(white_value) > std::numeric_limits<floa…
intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.cc:259:22: error: use of undeclared identifier
bool use_exposure = fabsf(exposure) > std::numeric_limits<float>…
intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.cc:419:71: error: use of undeclared identifier
…glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(state->program, “white_inv_sqr”), powf(…
intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.cc:423:62: error: use of undeclared identifier
…glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(state->program, “gain”), powf(2.0f, exp…
4 errors generated.
scons: *** [/Users/giorgio/blender-build/build/darwin/intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Thank you.

Me tooo…

Has managed somebody to make a build for OSX?

i am trying…lol

Looking so forward to this!

Well, finally i was able to compile, but the its working only with cpu…lol. Here is the link

Mac OS X .
i compile with cuda enabled, but i got error when trying to render with GPU. ?!

I will try!!

Thank you. Finally. Testing right now. I have a MacMini so CUDA for me is no joy. CPU FTW!

A mesh with the Shadow Catcher Material still seems to affect itself (“Self Shadowing”), which makes it kinda useless for compositing. Or am I missing some setting?

Easily fixed:

This is a render with the straight shadow catcher material.

And this is one using the node group above.

Ah great, that works. Thanks!
What doesn’t seem to work though is to use Shadow and AO pass in Renderlayers…

This sounds and looks awesome so far! Go go Lukas :smiley: Really hope there’s a chance for the patch to finally make it in for 2.75.