Europa 2045 Blender Game Engien FPS

Right ,But This is totally awesome!!!:eek:
i cant wait to play your game.
Ah on the textures i will confirm when i will
need them but for now its Fine.
Keep it up Man. Nice work.

Right ,But This is totally awesome!!!:eek:
i cant wait to play your game.

im very sorry for my stupid english :smiley:

Dont be sorry anything is worth a try Man.

Ah on the textures i will confirm when i will
need them but for now its Fine.
Keep it up Man. Nice work.

Thank you Fred :slight_smile: The first playable version of our game will be an alpha demo which will get released between the 20. June and the 22. June. You just have to register your self at our website (which will be published in the same time area like the release) and write me an email where you ask for a alpha demo game key ([email protected]) . Our Website is already online but it is only german and the key system does not work, yet. If the Alpha Demo is released, then the website will be translated in to english :wink: ( instead of for the english user ;)).

Kind regards,

I have a new little update for all of you… I have finished the Key-System, so everything works fine and theoretically we could set the download for the Demo. So i just have to finsish the translation from german to english. I have also modelled a model for a futuristic knife but i havent textured it yet.

Say what i could make better :wink:

kind regards,

thank you very much i will check out your web site whenthe game is released
and i will send you the E-mail. thanks.

Updates (not to see in the upcoming Demo)

g38 ia


No criticism?, I would appreciate it if you rated it a little :smiley: :yes::wink:

Great work, here is some criticism since you asked nicely :slight_smile:

How about adding a specular map to the weapon/knife, maybe add
a bit of white worn edges on parts of the weapons, trust me as a
ex service man i can tell you even brand new weapons come into the
armoury worn/faded, even after one exercise or fire range practice you
should see the states they come back in.

With being said the white worn bits would give a nice spec to it, also you
might want to add a tiny bit of reflection, so under TEXTURE TAB go to
mapping>coordinates> and choose reflection under the drop menu.
Add a sky texture and set the influence of it really low so its barely visible that you dont notice it, but if you turn it off you know it`s not there. (if you get me)

SPEC MAP with it could add random scratches and moist, thumb prints, dont put dirt on your spec as its more of a diffuse and if you do you only want a little bit not too much.

Norm Map you could Bump the poly count up on the model “A separate model” and add loads of
indents and cracks in the weapon, add some bumps on the rubber material etc…

Good luck!!

If you’re going for a H&K ripoff (Like SUPER ripoff… Like it is the G36c but different shape), make the texture like this one:

Smooth polymer

Coming soon in their trade :D;)

daim this looks so
like the way you designed your cover page.

Thank you ;).

Some slight grammar issues on back cover

“been used is the result is good”

Amagad the cover art… y u do this? Arial font? Seriously?

The mirror shot isn’t as good as you think. The pose is really stiff and unrealistic, the helmet design is from 70’s sci’fi, the flare effect is overkill and composition and framing is less than appropriate.

The whole cover layout seems like it wasn’t thought out, there are visually empty areas, things are out of line… the whole barcode thing and PEGI-rating is just make-believe. It’s actually severely illegal to use the PEGI-rating logos without them actually rating the game.

Focus on the game development, you’re not that far yet…

Focus on the game development, you’re not that far yet…

i now, i now :D, its was more a joke the game will never be sold in a store xD and the development will probably take 2 to 3 years

. Its in the pre-alpha stage ^^.

some new work

That’s a pretty creative aircraft, there :slight_smile:

thank you :).