Epic drops the next bombshell, makes UE4 free, a deathblow for the BGE?

thx for clarification, I didn’t know that BF already aren’t working on BGE. Good to know.

thx for clarification, I didn’t know that BF already aren’t working on BGE. Good to know.

Easy, I meant drop as a drop current work if BF currently working on BGE (as I incorrectly supposed they do).

@tyrant monkey:
FWIW, I have no hassles with the BGE staying where it is so long as it doesn’t make maintaining the rest of Blender troublesome. At some point though, it will become troublesome. Any major refactor will do that (I would not be surprised if it’s affecting the dependency graph work).

Given the Blender Foundation is not maintaining the engine, I think it fair to say it is at the very least deprecated functionality. At some point, it will be discontinued. Fairness goes both ways and it is just as unfair to expect the Blender Foundation to work around functionality they don’t want to maintain as it is to dump the engine without warning.

Before I forget, I wanted to mention that Unreal cannot be a direct deathblow to BGE or other open source engines, since Unreal has no open source licensing, it is still proprietary software and so does not compete directly with it.
I don’t use BGE, but I also don’t see a reason to drop it, because of Unreal, only if there are other issues like if it becomes unmaintainable or so.

It would be interesting and enlightening the Ton did a demonstration on these warm statements, since the BF plans to BGE from the 3x version.
I believe that it mutes only serves to feed the chaos.
Recalling that respect both sides, both pros as cons the presence of BGE in the suite.

I agree only in 50%.
Unreal on its own can’t be deathblow to BGE, but please can You all BGE defenders can see a bigger picture.
There is shift in trends, triple A engine for free!!! On the other hand you have godot, deltaengine free edition, unity free edition, paradox3d and others.
BGE is ancient relict in this recent time changes, in my opinion working on it/with it it 100% waste of time. Just spend you creative energy in different place, if you are artist or developer. Blender need 1000 things and BGE is not one of them in my opinion.

The fundamental problem with all of these posts is that they assume somehow that the BGE should not be used because they would not themselves use it. Furthermore there is no logical reason to assume the BGE is holding Blender back. The general argument is that let the BGE users use the engine without sabre-rattling and asking to “drop the BGE” - it’s not “being held” in the first place.

On topic:
The BluePrints system seems quite useful for new artists, though I think that I would miss the benefits of a scripting language (or more appropriately a Python-like language) that UE3/UDK provided (if somewhat poorly). Not because I fear programming in C++, quite the opposite, but I would like the flexibility that scripting can provide, as well as the fast iteration times. Nonetheless, Epic seems to have weighed the performance and development benefits of maintaining a separate scripting layer and found that it was not worth the effort.

You’d be terribly wrong on that front. Unreal’s own documentation alone is probably heads and tails better than anything I’ve seen with BGE. Not to mention that Unreal has a gamejam every month and they showcase a lot of commnunity games, code contributions, and new marketplace items in their Twitch stream every Tuesday or so. Unreal is extremely involved with it’s community and the community has been putting out a lot of content in return.

BGE is the equivalent to those old 90s newspapers and magazines your crazy aunt hoards on the off chance that they might be useful some day, completely ignoring that there are better, more technologically sound ways to access and use that information.



if you cant find as much or more on ue4 as you can blender its because you didn’t look. lack of documentation is the worst aspect of blender imo. you need a high quality computer for speed, the same as blender. try creating rendering a movie on your lap top. i’ll bet someone will make a ue4 game on a lap top, finish it, then start and finish another if its a full length game vs full length movie. you must be too young to remember the mod scene from the udk days.

It is not so much a shift in trends, it is more an investment bubble popping and now the engines compete very hard for their customers, so hard that they have to give it away for free to gain customers.

That’s good to hear; I’ve tried UE a bit, and it just seems too heavy and complex for my tastes. I’d like lighter weight, simpler solutions to engines; BDX and Godot seem to be able to fit those roles very well. While I don’t think BDX will be able to compete graphically with UE, it’d be nice to get some basic elements that LibGDX supports running, like lighting, armature-based animations, shadows, and shader support.

Unreal is opensource. It’s just not gpl. The source is open and accessible. anyone can download it and compile the code. In-fact the code is now included with the binary (they said for easier debugging) since 2.7.

and people dont understand, better GSL = better viewport AND better bge with the same stroke,

better depndancy graph = faster game engine and blender front end

many things being fixed in thr game engine directly benifit the modeling part of blender,

Blender BPY commands can be used via the game engine…

if you had a compositie 3d game engine AND modeling tool,
you can model and work from within a engine.

There are many benifits to this but the primary is

The depsgraph refactor and the other projects going on is not going to magically make the BGE an ultra-fast AAA-capable game engine. The BGE uses its own code and its own systems and the only way for these types of things to really benefit the engine is to make it a true part of the Blender core (which is exactly what the Interactive Mode thing is about).

From what I read the dependency graph has a direct impact on animation speed,

blender shares code right now,
tightening this integration does not mean interactive mode.

I think interactive mode could just be using BPY inside bge,
and bge having as much common code as is efficient.

Agoose made a few steps in this direction, but I think it needs to be implemented at a engine level, rather then a scripting layer.

Well just to put in my own little word here…

I have been using blender for well over a decade and when it comes down to what is the best game engine, what is the best programming language, etc, for me it all comes down to a simple conclusion !

Everything exists and survives for a reason, it serves it’s purpose, period !

But honestly to compare the BGE to the UE4 is a bit like trying to compare an “Austin-Mini” to a “Subaru-impreza” ! the question is how much fuel do you want to use ! ; They are both cars and thus have the same function, to get you from point A to B, that is all…

I am a FOSS guy, but sadly there is something called reality ! and even if I tried very hard to make a game with the BGE, it will not help me to get a finished product out there for sell and in a record amount of time, for now anyway…

Blender is awesome ! but honestly people, make some money with whatever it is you want, then pay the BF to improve the features that you think requires some attention…

This is why I have never regretted spending so much time on blender ! It has given me opportunity to understand how does a render engine work ! how does a game engine work ! and blender will always be my first choice when it comes down to making whatever it is I need… Import and Export !

Blender and the BGE are widely used by everyone, regardless of what it is they essentially use…

First time on the forum in ages :slight_smile: Just came back to this :confused:

UE4 is a great engine, but, for me, personally, BGE is home. I know my way around it for the most part, and adapting to anything else is incredibly difficult and uncomfortable, because of how different it is. Hope to see BGE continue grow, however :slight_smile:

too bad it wont run on my puny laptop :slight_smile:

same here,

I have 4 gigs o ram, and a older nvidia 200 series :frowning: