easyEmit - *Update* 13.06.2013

too good !!! (For the moment I saw. Blend)

so, I’ve so wished to try it, I’ve corrected it for linux :smiley:


but there is a problem, the wire is visible:

ok I did it, is the first add-on I install so I did a bit of mess …

I see only one type of texture yellow (thath in the link image)
and is not oriented in the right way …


Marcoit… thats the path problem that was already mentioned. The script doesn’t find the textures and stops at that point. I will try to fix that tomorrow. Which OS are you using? Linux? You can try the fixed version of edddy… Maybe it works with his fix.

@ edddy
just enable the checkbox for “Emitter invisible” and it works! :wink:

windows 7 64 bit! (normal? now try to read the old post also)

anyway the blend was perfect!!!wonderful!!

:wink: that’s it, cool
should be checked by default I think, seems more logic

get this error in this line 120

row.template_list(ob, “particle_list”, ob, “particle_list_index”,prop_list=“props”, rows=2)

this is the line after:
col = row.column(align=True)


Tried your addon today, and I think it has a great potential! I’ve been thinking on how to make something emit particles and such, but an addon for that is pretty neat.

To test it out, I made a simple fireplace scene with three emitters, fire, smoke and sparks.
Here it is for others to try it out, but i found out that you need the addon installed to make it work.

Some problems and difficulties I discovered, were that if you export it as an .exe file, it doesn’t work. Also, the particle selector took some time before I discovered how to use it, thought the dropdown menu worked as the selector, which I think would be the best solution. The alpha slider didn’t work for me, and the fading time controllers could have been percentage sliders of the particle lifetime, because when you change the lifetime, you have to change all the sliders again. Another problem I found, is that when you have worked on the scene for a while, the particle settings don’t show up in the menu, so I can’t change the settings. Have no idea why that happens, but it may be when I close blender and open it again… Don’t know…

Haha, much criticism here, but I just wanted to mention it to you so you can improve your AWESOME addon :wink: Too bad I’m a really lousy programmer, so all I can do is point out errors in others scripts, haha

if you want to export the file as an .exe it is important to pack all images into your blendfile. and than place the emitter.py script from the .zip folder into the same folder as your .exe file. Then it should work. At least for me it worked this way!
Yeah… the alpha Slider is a bit tricky. The thing is that is works perfectly for particles that use the opaque or alpha mode. BUT if you have particles that are rendered via “add mode” alpha doesn’t work. There I am adding the color black to the diffus color. For “add mode” black is invisible…
For the particle settings disappearing. I think I have discovered the problem…

demand for adding rain particles

from a new blend, no problem, it’s just running fine
but in an old blend, I have found some bugs and I don’t find a way to fix them:

when create a part. sys. in this file (for example) I got this 2 bugs: no colors and billboards faced camera even I’m not in camera view
those 2 first bugs Marco report yet
but I can’t reproduce the third one
@MarcoIT how did you find this error

hi im haveing problems importing Easy emit into my blender file
it works in the blender file you made but i cannot get it to work in my blender file if you know what i mean
i am using blender 2.61 so i know its not that

maybe depends on the version
I use 2.60.0
the error in the console do not appear immediately, appears after 20 seconds

PS:il file blend work well, only addon not work
what I see with the add-on:



hi im haveing problems importing Easy emit into my blender file
it works in the blender file you made but i cannot get it to work in my blender file if you know what i mean
i am using blender 2.61 so i know its not that

Are you using the addon or the blend file and trying to append? If you missed it, the addon is available on page 2. There was no install instructions but heres what I did to get it working:

Put both scripts and the folder with the images directly into blender\2.61\scripts\addons. The can’t be in their own folder within that directory because the emitters wont work then. :smiley: User preferences ->addons ->game engine if you need to enable it in blender.

Thanks for this brilliant addon. I’ve already made a simple AA flack particle in my game and it looks great.
A few things:
-I must untick and tick the addon each time I start blender to get the particle options to show up. Blender 2.61 harmony Windows 7.
-If an emitter is deleted some particles remain. I’ve solved this by putting logic on the particles to delete them but it would be nice if I didn’t have to.
-Maybe you could update the first post with the download for the addon.

Anyway, thanks and I hope we get more easy to use game engine addons like this!:smiley:

Are you using the addon or the blend file and trying to append? If you missed it, the addon is available on page 2. There was no install instructions but heres what I did to get it working:

Put both scripts and the folder with the images directly into blender\2.61\scripts\addons. The can’t be in their own folder within that directory because the emitters wont work then. User preferences ->addons ->game engine if you need to enable it in blender.

Yea i was trying to append to blend i completly skiped over the addon.
so i installed the addon and it works great!!!
this is awsome keep up the good work

Just great, thanks

MarcoIT - You probably need to be in perspective view… orthographic doesnt work with billboards. Press 5 to enable it.

it does not work with windows seven blenderplayer

have you packed the images and .py files into your blend? then it should probably work.

yes I have not seen true that if you install as an addon
emitter.py the script does not duplicate text in the window (just be in a future upgrade?)