EarthBound 64/MOTHER 3: The fall of Pig King (Blender 3D High Definition Restoration)

All I’m saying is to edit the post where you have that video, and change “This video is mine” to something else that doesn’t give others the impression you are still trying to take credit for its creation, or elude to the fact that you have this running in Blender somewhere. You have already been called out on this once, so you are on thin ice here. That is the reason for my harsh words. Maybe the message didn’t sink in well enough the first time.

You did give credit, somewhere in the middle of a post somewhere down the page. This is vague and indirect. I honestly didn’t see it until after I posted my rant, so I apologize for that. But you can easily avoid future conflict with a few mouse-clicks and keyboard strokes.

There is nothing wrong with posting other peoples’ work, just be mindful of how you’re presenting it. It’s for your own good.

I will speak no more on the matter. Good luck to you and all your future accomplishments. Earthbound rocks!

Ness’s house in 3D as I remember it was made in 3DS max according to description.

Latest animation is about Mayor Pusher’s wife as part of conversation like "I never felt life could be so “gnerish”-according to user of TomatoSauce.Thanks to UDK I can make MOTHER 3 Reboot demo much faster.

Here comes Masked Man Redesign.

Hinawa Redesign

Chapter:Suspicious Peddler Mk.II

EarthBound 64 Osohe Castle has been revived!

School is more important than this game.So now I’m abandoning this game.

I’ll be back.

This website should have lifting like

Arrow Lizard in 3D

Adobe Illustrator-Arrow Lizard

Here’s poor showcase of Swamp Walker from MOTHER 3 Beta.

Here’s Masked Man Redesign in HD.I told you i’m not programmer,but 3d artist.

When I came here before that event I really screw up at vector graphics artworks,but now my skills are increasing very fast not like 3d modeling.
Anyways it’s some part of unused MOTHER 3 backgrounds.So stay enjoy.

After I was banned from know I realized it’s no reason to use MakeHuman and maybe Blender because they don’t like Make Human and Blender styles so now I realized i’ll use Adobe Illustrator in future.