
objects are scattered via particles. The file I uploaded only contained the procedural sand material plus some of the “dirt objects” that are scattered on top

I really love this scene!!! Looking forward to see the Final! :wink:

Great work, Walli!

Hey, this looks really great! Seems like a very large, open landscape. Good Work.

I changed the material of the dune grasses, so that they have some color variation according to world space, now need to find the balance between green and brown. Also slightly changed the lighting.


wish there was a way to emulate like a more earth brownish cliff !

happy cl

a small update to the scene. I hope to add some final tweaks and then I will probably try some additional camera angles

Wow, this is really, really nice. Thanks so much for sharing the sand material too!

It really looks great! The only thing I don’t like too much is the top of the leftmost wood pole. Somehow, it feels strange to me. Perhaps it is too sharp or concave, I really don’t know exactly what it is.

Other than that, it’s perfect!


? I found a rather easy way to change the sand hues.

I downloaded the procedural sand to see if the nodes were utterly impossible to adjust. Adding a image texture with sharp dark to light contrast with the RGB close to the material outlook & changing the RGB to a medium brown - putting a mix node in - gives a variety of brown to cream variations.

These are just basic examples - the one on the left was using a dirty rusted metal texture & the other a dirty grey-blue steel texture.

Changing the RGB color darkness and the % of the mix node gives you different streaks and hues.

now that you mention the wood pole - I think I need to investigate the shader, the top looks very dark - thanks for the comments!

I forgot to switch the data type of the normal map texture, this should be fixed in the next iteration!

nice find Wicca!
At some point I would like to add a mix node, driven by the steepnees, but the first tests didn’t work well :wink:

I think I will go with this location for camera 2. I need to figure out the black dots inside the white of the blossom, I guess this is a transmission problem? There are many alpha planes to trace…


I need to tackle the overblown sky.


excellent lighting there :P. well done :slight_smile:

very nice , i thought that the first photo was a real one not a cg :slight_smile:

Gorgeous work here, so far ahead of anything I have done.