Do you want more functionality in the file browser window?

Hey Small Troll, Its cool, we all have our off days :slight_smile:
I see your point, of not wanting to bog down software with unnecessary functions/features.

But if the changes didn’t bog down the software (which only the Devs can answer as to whether it will), then why not pop them in there, if its not taking away time from higher priority jobs.

I know it may not seem like a lot, but it takes an average from you clicking out of the 3d software, to load the external file manager, etc, roughly 10 sec +. That’s not that long, but now imagine doing that multiple times in a day, which I and many other of my colleagues have to do. That 10 seconds, turns into minutes. Those minutes could be spent carrying on with your 3D work. Plus it can break your flow and concentration, which is also detrimental to your work productivity.

One of my old bosses always looked for ways to maximize productivity, and I guess some of it rubbed of on me. ( did I just say that?)

So I wouldn’t say it was lazy, but more wanting to be stream lined.

P.S I just checked, both premiere and photoshop (latest versions, not sure about previous) allow for file organization.

well without struggling to think through brain soup now, i can see your side of the argument a little better and it does have its uses. however, i stand by my claim that such features really aren’t that important, and development resources can be utilized in more productive ways. it would be different if the only alternative was to purchase specialised software for x1000$
(wait, you have to buy the OS too dont you…) you know what, i’m done forget it.

i dont see the need, but clearly you have seen room for improvment so follow it up.

Small Troll: the point is that it is done by the OS. Photoshop, Maya, 3ds Max, After Effects… all of these programs use the Operating System’s native file dialogs, and therefor get all the features and benefits of that. It’s not overburdening or ‘choking up’, it’s just using the standard file dialog and all of these programs have done so pretty much since their inception so it’s certainly not just ‘recent versions of photoshop or premier’.

Can you just admit you haven’t used these programs, or are misremembering things?

edit: ack, didn’t see your last post, had this page open for too long. The points you make now are reasonable.
In this specific case (Blender uses its own dialog) it’s costly developer-time that would have to go into changing this, and I personally agree that it’s not worth it.

I’ll readily admit to not having used 3ds max or a fully useable Maya (i had their learning center edition a few years back)

but i am quite familiar with Adobes creative suite and use it regularly and know that the file browser is just that, a browser.that is, if you were simply using the software as stand alone programs, i know if your using Bridge then you have a fully organisable browser, but that is kind of what i was hinting at when i mentioned purchasing specialised software(i know it does more than just organise files).

i did not know other software simply utilised the OS native files, i figured that they would use built in software. if blender were to do the same then it would be a non issue as far as burdening the program is concerned

Blender does have a decent file browsing system, but yes it does lack a few functionality!