Do you think we'll ever colonise Mars?

I’ve been reading about the em (electro magnetic drive) this morning. Really interesting article, we could be on our to a propulsion system that will get us to Mars in weeks.

By we I presume you mean anyone else other than you. The only people who are going to “colonize” mars, if and when it is attempted will be thoroughly “vetted” for the specific task(s) they will be selected for, but all will be in the peak of health, at the upper 10 percentile of IQ ratings, and most likely holders of at least one college degree ( maybe minimally a masters ), and NO Family. Until many hundreds of personnel are safely in situ, the “mission” will be considered life threatening with high probability of either fatal injury or little likelihood of returning. Also those doing this “vetting” and “planning” are the ones who are going to make the decision of if and when “We” are going to “Colonize” Mars.

        As it is now.
   If you, being an obvious Sci-Fi nut :rolleyes:, think it would be exciting and adventurously interesting and worth every trillions of dollars/Euros/Pasetas/Dinari/or Gold Bars it will cost, I would like to encourage you to hope for it within your lifetime, and maybe even consider applying for a seat on one of the ( old school ) Rockets to go. I for one, being an Old Fart, have no interest in paying for, nor expecting, such a foolhardy effort on humanity's part. First I think we have to get rid of all of the radical fundamentalist mooslims who would just die for the opportunity to Eff it up.:D

I mean everyone, including me, humanity. I don’t know how else i could have phrased the question.

I too and am old fart, have mild interest in Sci-Fi but a greater interest in human endeavour, the stuff i’m talking about is happening now. Mars one is a thing and it’s privately funded.

Anyway, interesting to read your stance, it’s certainly not a view i was expecting. One day i hope the world will unite and move forward to discover things about ourselves we never could have dreamed of.

handlebar…if We do (and you haven’t already)…then Kim Stanley Robinson’s “Mars Trilogy”(Red Mars,Green Mars, Blue Mars) offers an interesting scenario…(no religious or racist overtones…thankfully…(edit…except for a group of loving and joyful Sufi’s…)) …a good read…should resonate with your hopes …

Thanks Frank for the suggestion, i’ve heard of the trilogy but never red them. Ive just got some new reading spectacles so now would be a good time to test drive them.

We can put heavy heavy hardware in space, but for it to be sustainable and economical you need a massive tunnel boring machine,

and bore a very deep hole at an angle down, at the bottom of a mountain,
and then attach a massive pipe to the hole, forming 1 continus coil gun barrel that is above the thick part of the atmosphere.

think electric space potato gun,

this launcher will be in wrectified… (last stage of the first game)