Did you see the latest awesomeness being implemented in Blender just today!!!

Ruler shortcuts shown in the header/footer
And more changes to ruler

I was not aware that Ctr + LMB on the outiliner icon to select recursively all the hierarchy also works on the visibility and render icons! gaia just said that in the chat

Can’t wait to try the 3ds MAX presets.

Someone explained in IRC how to rotate the model around the place of your last sculpt stroke: Using numpad dot key and then rotating the view as usual.
BUT you must to have in User Preferences / Interface unchecked the option “Rotate around selection” for it to work.

Thanks for your explanation, bao.
I totally missed how to enable protactor and thought that Campbell had not done it yet.
It is so easy to use.

Thanks Bao for starting this thread!
I just subscribed to keep informed on all the features that sometimes get buried or simply not noticed.
Ruler tool and Outliner improvements are awesome news!

WHOWWW finally full interaction while selection is active, not only rotate the viewport but also access other functions such as creation of face this is great…:yes:

great work on the brush refactor

But instead this “Absolute check” and then the jittering changes. Would not be better a multiplier. So setting the multiplier to 6 would have same effect.
I would like this multiplier because it could then be aplicable to the pressure or other sliders. In Linux the Bamboo tablet driver is giving out half of the pressure and I had to change internally blender in one ghost file to multiply there the pressure it reads from linux driver by 2x to it to work correctly in blender. With this multiplier it would not be necessary.
I like more the multiplier than the checker that then converts the jitter to pixels. But perhaps is more difficult so forget about if it is bad idea. My intention with multiplier is that checking it on would make all the sliders affected by this multiplier.

What do you mean? I haven’t seen this one.

have you seen this

i have requested this for long, loooong time i show you this video because the sculpt brush and texture brush need the same behavior wen you stroke whit the draw brush in sculpt mode if you press Ctrl the brush keep adding and not subtracting this need to be more dynamic whit all tools…

And please Ton, in next Blender Conference put a piano there if Psy-fi goes!

<Edit> Actually this is not possible I’m afraid :confused: For projective texture painting it is certainly impossible until we redesign the way the tool works.

@Bao, I was thinking of the same thing actually. Don’t have a slider for relative jitter, only have a configurable float multiplier. Of course absolute does have its uses because it allows you to specify both separately without doing math each time you adjust the radius.

Edit: Man, this last piano comment was spot on! But then we won’t have a conference :slight_smile:

Edit 2: Committed new version. It has a lock icon instead of a checkbox. Makes for a tidier UI. Also, you can now specify relative (non-absolute) jitter values. Soft UI value is 2.0 but typing into the field allows for values up to 1000.

if you have time can you check on this is not assigned to anyone, i ask you because you did a good job whit others tools interaction…

@kakachiex2, not quite what you were asking for, but did you see you can now select a single edge and press Fkey to fill? (faster for second example you show).


I was not aware that Ctr + LMB on the outiliner icon to select recursively all the hierarchy also works on the visibility and render icons! gaia just said that in the chat

Ahhh, this was an old feature request of mine. Simply brilliant ! Thanks !

Campbell, this is brilliant!

@Bao2 thanks for thread, great news here. it reminds me a bit Demohero’s site (it’s really pity, he closed it up, because in this thread would be harder to read newsbetween all the comments.

Anyway as said thanks :slight_smile:

Few notes:

Border Rendering (Ctrl + B)

  • would be nice to have an option to disable it by (same shortcut) and just one click into a window instead of go to (N) panel and look for the button.
    It’s faster and you don’t need to have a knowledge where the button is. Seems to me intuitive.

Move layers (Grease pencil)

  • I’m not sure how much useful it is, anyway I have the same problem as with modifier panels - these moving up and down buttons. Why it doesnt behave as any other panels - touch area.
    It takes less space, clear UI . . .

Change the view while in circle-select mode

  • that’s awesome news - FINALY

@ideasman42 i will check wen my internet connection at home get fixe this sound really good