Demo File: Taking 2D to the Third Dimension (A "3D Side-Scroller")

Pgregory: You are right, it breaks trough the walls…
Mmmm… An easy way to stop this from happening would be using a collition sensor that stops the IPO from working when it touches any object with the propiety “WALL”

The problem is that it seems that most of logic bricks will have to be replaced with python scritps for this to work correctly since the modification made in the bricks din’t work out, I just tried it.
Cyborg_ar implementation looks nice, but don’t know if it work on not-straigh stages…

Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? A game like this could be great fun and easy to do as well.

I’ve been playing with this and would love to see it happen, here’s a solution I’ve been playing with. Reverse is not fully implemented but you’ll get the idea. Any tweaks you can make to it would be awesome. Thanks.


3DSideScrollerRR.blend (194 KB)

I’ll be using this template for my current game project 4 sure.


Any news on this? I would like to do something like this in blender 2.5. Could some script guy help me out? :stuck_out_tongue:

i have an idea.
What you could do is a series of empties as nodes, then track to the next one.
ill try

Umm yeah you could try that, I got another video up soon with a much simplier solution I came up with. But there can be no spirals, just when you come to a corner you rotate a certain number of degrees. You could maybe do a spiral, but it would have to have many invisible walls with it’s own triggers shutting them on off. But see if you can find any more less pain in the ass way to do it. :wink:

track.blend (424 KB)
Here’s a really simple method of using nodes and trackto to navigate a corner.
Add more nodes, and include them into the array to create smoother turning.
I could add something that stops the tracking after x blender units away from any node.
If you make hills etc, change the sensitivity value. (up for steepness)

thanks alot for the blend file. This is exactly what i am searching. However. This doesn´t work for blender 2.70. Can you please modify it somehow? The camera doesn’t follow the cube