Contours and Polystrips Retopology Tools (soon to be RetopoFlow)

If you’re a RetopoFlow customer then please send us a message on the Blender Market via your inbox to get support:

As for what’s wrong, you’ll need to describe the issue in more detail. The warning you see is because the scale on your object is very large and sometimes RetopoFlow has problems handling these.

Simply select the source object and apply scale with CTRL+A. If the warning still appears then scale the object down and apply scale again.

Sorry @JWise, there is no new thread. I have not maintained the thread here as I’m focused on support via the Blender Market.

Maybe whats wrong is that your using 2 Retopoflow Versions at the same time and it looks like your using 1.3.2 instead of 2.0
Just guessing

Thank you! This explains a lot. But I’m not ready to switch to version 2.0 yet. I do not like how working 'Polystrips’

Aye sadly I feel Retopoflow 2’s Polystrips is even slower than 1.3.2

It was faster being able to Scale and Move around the ends of the strips with G and S and it behaved better and cleaner

In 2.0 its messy to scale and have to resort to using Tweak but its still too messy.

Lastly, 1.3.2’s Filling of closed Loops was the best because it was a live preview of it Grid filling and or filling 3 sides loops with Ease. 2.0’s Patches is now just a weaker version that annoys me.


I agree with you, the previuos version is great for fast small retopo jops!
The handling is similar to the default transform tools.
That makes it easier to get an fast first result!

The strengh of the second one is that it runs stable for a bigger work (also retopo over unmerged objects), but the handling with new shortcuts makes some confusion. (reading the help is essential)

In the new one i miss something like: align vertices or a selected edge loop.
That would be handy to get a nice straight edge for the stroke function if needed.
Maybe it comes with a next update?

Well I do know they are still planning on updates and fixes.

This is something we’re hoping to implement soon!

I’m sorry to hear that you’re not thrilled with 2.0; I hope you’ll recognize, though, that the big changes are incredibly important in order to enable future functionality. The 1.x version was terribly limited in that every tool was built on a different framework, with different standards, and different workflows. In 2.0 every tool is built within a unified structure so as to enable cohesive workflows between the tools. This has of course resulted in some removals of features, such as some of the auto-grid filling, but it’s our intention to continue bringing those features back as able and necessary.

v1.x was quite literally stalled in progress due to the complexity and discontinuity in the codebase. v2 solves that and let’s us do far more for future functionality. Bare with us and I think you’ll be convinced with time.

On another note; this thread is long-since outdated and no longer actively watched.

Please report all bugs/issues to our GitHub repository at

If you’re a customer and need support then please log into the Blender Market and send us a message via your inbox:

Archiving due to topic being outdated and no longer maintained by OP (your’s truly).