Concept gun

The white background is definitely better. I agree on what Shipwreck says about the contrast. It allows the viewer to focus on the weapon.


thanks for your opinion, the “surreal” white seems to get it better…

@Shipwreck: thanks, I imagine the scene too, you are right. For the texturing, the first step is to get familiar with a 2D software like photoshop for me. Are you familair with it or Gimp maybe ?

I am… vaguely aware of it’s existence? On my hard drive. Occasionally I’ll poke at the icon on my screen with a handy stick. But beyond that not much…


@Shipwreck : :slight_smile: it could be a good start to learn the basics on it (layers, etc.). Not a huge work, but mandatory imo to texture !

Haha, well I have actually clicked on it a couple of times to be honest.

I know that layers exist for example. But just fundamentally I have no idea how to actually paint in PS. I do make some weak sauce textures using PS just so I can test models in games. But since I can’t paint my own textures I rely on just taking photographs of various surfaces, coloring them (by which I just mean adjusting the color levels not actually doing anything manual or specific in any way shape or form) and then pasting them.
So it’s just really crappy.
I need to learn how to actually make my own detailed, quality images from scratch…


just to say it put this one in a “finished” thread. I will make some updates in the finished thread. Thanks for reading and viewing the wip.

@shipwreck : ha ok, it is a big subject :slight_smile: On my own, I found the way by trying to “break” uniform colour. UV unwrapping is essential. Maybe the best way is to choose an object and try to texture it ?