Circus Maximus (Humster3D Ancient Rome Competition)

Really excellent and inspiring work!
Thank you for sharing!

This was actually the most impressive part to me, because to get convincing motion blur on the feet you need at least a somewhat accurate run cycle. When I saw this piece I wondered how much painstaking work went into the rigging and animation just to get the motion blur to look right.

Very good work, the blend between the ground and the particles could be smoother, and the cloak could use some work, but I really like the action in this artwork!

Thank you guys :))

@Quantum Anomaly I think I did over hundred tries :slight_smile: I do 1 pose, the prt screen on desktop then next pose, new prnt screen… then I go desktop and check the prevs… if the new one is better and save the scene and do another one :slight_smile: It is possible to render viewport very fast, but I find prnt screen technique faster :smiley:

@NID Graphics I totaly agree with you. Now I don’t feel like the particles are rly coming from the ground. But yeah… :stuck_out_tongue: LEt’s say we don’t see it :stuck_out_tongue:

I am learning Maxwell since few weeks so I decided to go with Maxwell and check how good it is integrated with Blender.

Amazing…but I do think that the horses coats are a little too shiny.

I am compelled to comment on this because of my name. Well done.

I wondered how you modeled the horses with so little polys

Hey! Great picture and perfect timing! You’ve got to the blenderartists header just at the time I started using Maxwell))) Had no idea about B-Maxwell plug in.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

So much movement, I love it!

Choosing a camera view as a painter would do makes for a fabulous impressionistic capturing of a moment.

This looks awesome yet incomprehensible to me. I can never do something complex like this but I’m inspired though.

great work Ptaszek! my favorite in the competition (of course apart of mine he he: oculus)… I really enjoyed watching all the work behind your entry
the best luck on the competition!

That is outstanding work . . . it would be even more so animated . . . . I use to work with Maya, and created a scene of the circus maximus, but was aiming at creating about 5 chariots and drivers, and using code (MEL) to animate the horses. It worked very well, but by the time I got done doing all the coding and building everything, I just got tired of working with it, so while the action looked very good, the artistry did not! Now that I use Blender exclusively, one of these days when I am not as busy, I am going to re-create that script for Blender . . . .

I think this is as perfect as it can get. Great!

This is really amazing! great movement, congrats! I especially like the horses and how you posed them =)

woah! really high quality, keep it going !!!

Wow. I would love to see this animated :slight_smile:

Great! Amazing! Horses!

Almost the winner :slight_smile: Congrats!!!

Thank you guys!
If anyone is interested there is a making of HERE.

Very nice feeling of motion on the horses and the chariot crash. Something about the cape material bugs me a bit, but overall great work.