Cheesasaurus Rex (commercial illustration)

低温等离子射频治疗腺样体肥大治疗腺样体肥大的治疗适应症:本方法主要适合于单纯性样体肥大伴发鼻阻塞鼻窦炎打鼾等症状者。咽囊炎或化脓性炎症慎用此法。 腺样体肥大的治疗及操作方法:Reflex55刀头。1%的卡因鼻腔表面麻醉及咽腔鼻咽部喷雾麻醉后。以两细管分别自两鼻腔插入后鼻孔经鼻咽口腔引出牵拉软腭,此时可在间接鼻咽镜下暴露隐藏深在的腺样体。操作前设定输出功率于5挡,以Reflex55刀头蘸生理盐水后,呈散点式多次插入腺样体,每点治疗时间持续10 秒,点插入深度小于腺样体厚度,点间距大于0.8cm,共4~6点。治疗后即见腺样体明显缩小,表面散在白色点。无出血不需填塞。 手术注意点: 鼻腔鼻咽表麻要充分,手术应在软腭牵拉下明视操作。软腭牵拉勿过紧,以取得患者的配合。注意治疗点勿伤及咽鼓管隆突、咽囊口、软腭和后鼻孔。术后鼻咽部腺样体表面见有散在伪膜斑点和轻度肿胀。可用抗生素和类固醇激素预防感染促进局部消肿。多数患者术后1-3日内诉鼻通气改善。术后数月随引流改善而鼻窦炎渐好转。对正常进食影响小。若伴有扁桃体肥大者可同时或术后2~3日行扁桃体摘除术。优点:表面麻醉下即可操作,微创微痛苦,无出血,大大缩短了手术时间,对腺样体表面粘膜保护好,一般不需住院治疗。术后反应轻恢复快。无并发症。手术视野暴露好操作空间大,避免了传统手术可能导致的咽鼓管咽口、咽壁或软腭损伤所引起的并发症,是一种易为患者接受的好疗法。缺点:对部分恐惧紧张不能合作的儿童操作困难。对有耳阻塞者,尤其是咽鼓管咽口周的淋巴增生者疗效还有待观察。

This is… COOL! I love the Character and the colour scheme!!! Awesome Job! :slight_smile:

Hi guys, just letting you know the client was really happy and we’ve done several more of these illustrations since. We’ve put a few of them up here:

that’s cool broken, u rock dude

so YOU’RE the one responsible for cheesasaurus rex!
haha, jk.

awesome work.
and, that Guru Studio site apparently made that commercial for bladder control with the balloons. i remember seeing that on tv and thinking “i wonder if thats possible in blender…”

wow~ it looks cute!

Cheess me :]

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