Characters Rigging WIP

Nice model man! It reminds me of Pixar.

Thank you @ TheGamerBoy for your comment, if it makes you think of Pixar, then I’m going in the right direction! who could go wrong with Pixar? :stuck_out_tongue: (not trying to start a debate here!)

Here is a snapshot of what I’m working on today…
The Bendy legs!

Enjoy your Day.


Things that still need to be done with Rene…

  • cleaning the controls and adjusting the rotation order

Hi everyone, just worked on the texture! :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, I didn’t know but yesterday, my twoLeg character got featured in the blender market blog

under the title:
Top 10 Products Under $10 (including two freebies!)

you can check it out here:

thank you blender market! :slight_smile:

@mathiasA great work man.

Could you explain how to do the facial rig? Is it just shapekeys? Is it bone driven? Or is it a combination of both techniques?
I’ve been trying to learn this rigging stuff but I can’t seem to wrap my head around it hehe.

if you can create the “Rene” Rig and a video tutorials on how to rig, I will be the first in line to get it :wink:

very nice rig and character Appeal!

@julperado, thank you very much :slight_smile:
As for your question, I’m using 95% bones and at the end some shapekey just to add a few wrinkles or some other deformation. But mainly bones… however, I feel that my way of doing it isn’t really the way people do facial rig in blender… When I have the time, I will post a little video to show how I do it.

@themonster, thank you, I’m glad that you feel Rene has some appeal! :slight_smile:
As for video tutorials about how to rig, that will require a few hours of video… lol, I’m not sure if I’m up to do that! :stuck_out_tongue:

a little video about face rigging can be nice :slight_smile:

A little video about face rigging… That I can do! :slight_smile:

latest update of Rene

Ok so I’m really close to be done with Rene. I think he will stay in a “jump suit” for now… maybe I will add cloth in the future. Next step, testing him!!!

Hi everyone,

So as requested by julperado and themonster, here is a little presentation and explanation of Rene’s face.

Sorry for the accent and for the boring video :stuck_out_tongue: but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them!

Mathias :slight_smile:

Very good job Mathias! Awesome :wink:

Thank’s man! I really appreciate it :smiley:

Thank you @Ismaelfuentes

My pleasure… Did it help?

My pleasure… Did it help?

Yeah, as I said before I’m still trying to wrap my head around the rigging concept and still have a LOT of things to learn, but your approach seems to be more modular (which I think is easier to setup?)

At least now I know that I can use several armature objects for the same mesh :smiley:

This definitely deserves a detailed tutorial or making of, thank’s @mathiasA


Yes, I was happy when I tried and saw that blender allowed several armature on the same object and that it reacted the way I was hoping for.
I too find it difficult to wrap my head around complicated facial rig in one piece :stuck_out_tongue: I still need to try them to see what’s possible!

Anyway, I’m glad it gave you a direction :wink:


Im happy to say that Rene is now available on Blender Market! its only been a few month of work! :stuck_out_tongue: but at least in the process I learned a lot about blender and I know that I will be able to go faster on the next one!

Have a good day everyone!


New project I’m working on!

Creating a Lego rig in Blender.

Sorry, on my computer screen, the luminosity was better, I will change it for my next post!

here is a test with a bit more brightness. But I especially worked a bit more on the script to be able to animate the face!

So, here is a little bit more background to the video. But I added some more facial expression.

A new test of the lego rig.