Cavalon Autogyro

Changed up the hangar design, was looking into some designs that would give it a more open feeling. Now just need to work on materials and decide what objects I can put into the hangar. The background image is just temporary, I’ll be replacing it with some modeled clouds later.

Well for the outdoor environments I can’t quite figure out what I want in an outdoor scene. Mostly with the scale of the scene, is it just outside a hangar, is the runway in view? Is it in the mountains, city? Can’t quite get settled on that.

As for realism It does not have to be realistic, 100% realism is not my style, I’m just looking for a style of background that fits the aircraft.
I also do not like to use photo backgrounds, the one used in my latest render is just a temporary setup until I get some actual clouds modeled.

Adding some trees in the background as well as a control tower, which is being based off of one in Dubai.

Looks good - but just resembles (I do not know why - maybe because of the ideal polished floor) an architectural visualization…
Just additional thought - the landing lights seem interesting, but it is quite unusual to left them turned on when nobody is in the cockpit, in such a sunny day…

That is a good point on the lights, for the hangar, should I just go to a studio style render and render the hangar on it’s own as a panoramic for reflections?

Did a quick render while working on my blenderguru project.
Rendered the hangar to where I could use it as an environment texture and changed up the lighting a bit. Also did a little bit more with compositing. A few minor tweaks to the aircraft and I’ll be doing a final render.